He was taken aback for a split second, but then we fell into a perfect rhythm for a bit until I dominated the kiss, and he let me. I felt powerful. Superwoman powerful. I felt like I could fly and go on a universal journey with him forever.

Chill, Verena.

You sound needy.

I had to breathe, so I broke the kiss, and he literally smiled at me, stealing my breath away once again. His smiles were rare, but when they happened, I always melted. "How can I focus when you are so beautiful?" I asked seriously, and he laughed.

"I think you meant handsome?"

"No, I know what I meant. Beautiful is just more suitable for what I saw. You are extremely beautiful; it's blinding!"

He rolled his eyes. "If I am beautiful, then there's no word that could describe what I see when I look at you, amor." He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, and I rested my head on his chest. "I love you."

These words made my heart jump way too high for me to tame. "I love you, too." He kissed the crown of my head and sighed.

"Now, tell me about this plan of yours."

I cleared my throat and said, "Well, since Dexter cares about his reputation way too much and not everyone seemed to believe the things I endured with him, I say we show them." 

Now looking at me, Izan arched his eyebrows in confusion. "How?"

"I hid a camera in my room once. He came into my room and started verbally abusing me, from body to slut shaming me. It was the worst one yet because I messed up at work that day, so I started the recording right before he entered. I had a gut feeling." Izan's cold gaze creeped me out, but I knew it was not directed at me.

"I stopped the recording when he left and put the camera in a box under a crack in my bedroom. I repainted the wood so it was sealed from prying eyes. Especially Dexter's wife, Mia. We just need to retrieve it and hand a copy to the press."

"I'm calling Zulimar," he announced and grabbed his phone. I frowned, and seeing my confusion, Izan sighed. "He's coming with me to retrieve the tape since he's the fastest in covering his tracks. We'll be in and out before anyone sees us."

"I think the freak not! I'm coming with you!"

"You are not."

"I am."




"I won't kiss you for a week."


After we landed the jet and took one of Izan's cars in New York, Zulimar, Izan, and I were standing behind the bushes behind my old house. It was past three in the morning, so everyone was asleep except the two guards at the gate's entrance.

"We don't want any mistakes. We enter her old room from the window, retrieve the camera, and get out." Izan got over the plan again, standing ahead of us, and Zulimar and I nodded.

"What if I want to sneeze?" I asked in a whisper, and as on cue, I felt my nose itch. 

I dug my own grave. 

I was about to ruin everything when Zulimar grabbed my head and buried it in his chest. My sneeze was more like a little baby sneeze, concealed and cute.

Izan glanced at the guards, but they didn't notice anything off. They didn't hear me. We all sighed in relief. "Thank you," I whispered, and Zulimar let me go. He patted my head, and we started walking toward our destination.

When we reached the side of my room, I cranked my neck up, and my eyes widened at the height. "I can't believe I jumped from there," I said in a hushed tone, and both men looked at me with disbelief. "Okay, I used a rope, but still!"

"Let's move it," Izan said, grabbing me by the waist, and Zulimar made a fist of his two hands for me to stand on. Since it was more effective for me to go in first, they helped me up, and I clung to the pipes on the side and climbed with ease. 

My daily training helped me mentally and physically. I felt stronger than before. 

"Open it," Izan whispered-yelled when he made sure I reached the window.

I knew it was not locked because I broke the lock years ago and never bothered telling anyone about it. It came in handy.

A weakness became a strength.

Don't be so poetic now, Verena.

Not a minute later, Izan and Zulimar were in the room with me. They were monkeys. "Where is it?" Zulimar asked as he scanned the room. Surprisingly, everything was still the same. I didn't feel like it belonged to me, though. Everything was foreign. I didn't want anything, well... except for the tape.

I walked to the bed, lay on my stomach, and smiled when I saw that no one touched it. After tugging on the wood for a few minutes, struggling to find the weak spot, I finally felt the opening. 

I reached my hand and felt the camera. I quickly grabbed it and stood up way too fast.

I got dizzy, almost falling to my doom, but Izan held my shoulders and steadied me. "Estas bien, amor?" He kissed my nose, and I saw Zulimar look at the ceiling.

"I'm fine. Let's flee from here. This place gives me the creeps," I said, and they went to the window. Izan was the first to get down, and Zulimar encouraged me to jump after his boss because that was the plan. Izan would catch me.

No kisses for a month if I get hurt.

I took a leap of faith and jumped right into my boyfriend's awaiting arms. "You're still light." His comment made me roll my eyes yet smile. Zulimar closed the window and jumped elegantly, landing beside us. He made it look so easy.

Show off.

"Let's go home," Izan tugged my arm, and we walked to the same path we came in, but just when we were about to pass the guards, I sneezed without a warning, and both guards' heads snapped toward us. "Fuck. Zulimar, you know what to do," Izan instructed his brother, then grabbed my hand, and we ran to the car.

"He's not going to kill them, right?" I asked as I looked back to check on Zulimar. I almost tripped and lost the camera, but Izan helped me run straight when my head was not in the right direction. 

Zulimar grabbed both guards' heads before they could use their guns and slammed them together really hard. I heard the blow from far away. I didn't envy them.

Zulimar made sure they didn't move before leaving them and ran after us with a neutral expression. He was indeed the fastest.

His future girlfriend will be exhausted. 



The quiet ones are always the freakiest hehehe 

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