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Trash magic~•Lana Del Rey

Egypt, hurghada.

there's a saying knowledge is power but that's just a saying


A peasant can have knowledge but can he defeat a king? If the king wants the peasant to be pacified no one would question him and do it in a matter of seconds and that's what's called POWER.

And that's why everyone craves power it's the thing that makes a human greedy never a human will have enough power.

A Man who craved power Ellison Richard was a man who was obsessed with it his soul darker then the devil himself.

A beautiful woman a daughter of powerful man Halima the daughter Muhammad huzefa a very feared ruthless man.

Halima was a Muslim followed her mother's path believed in one Allah she was known for beauty the whole hurghada knew the daughter of MUHAMMAD HUZEFA was a real beauty.

No one had seen her except servants and her parents no one dared to.

A man who came to kill her had fallen for her a man who made her bend her morals the devil himself Ellison Richard he kept climbing to her room they fell in love too deep

Halima found her guilty pleasure she hated the fact that she did not regret betraying her parents like this she knew there was no going back she kept praying for forgiveness but the sin was too tempting.

Ellison used to call her 'bel paccato'
(Beautiful sin) he knew she was his he knew how in love she was but he was in something deeper then love "obsession".

Halima did not want to continue this halima started hating her self she used to cry every night in his arms she used to feel dirty but she couldn't lose him.

One day Halima went to her father and started crying in his arms her father couldn't bare seeing his daughter cry he begged her to him why was she was crying she didn't say anything other then " أنا أحبك أرجوك سامحني ولا " تكرهني أبدًا" (i love you please forgive me dont ever hate me)

She told her father about Ellison she did not tell him she wasn't a virgin anymore or the things they did or that he stayed in her room every night.

Halima's father looked at her and said 'حليمة هذا ليس صحيحا أليس كذلك؟ كيف التقيت به من هو؟ هل قمت بإدراج عقلك سخيف؟"
(halima this isn't true right? how did you meet him who is he? have you lost your fucking mind? )
"كيف تعرفه بحق الجحيم، لم تخرج من المنزل، هل أتى إلى منزلي اللعين؟"

Halima started crying again seeing her cry her father eyes softened he started tearing up he wiped halima's tears and said
"هل حقا أحبه كثيرا؟"
(Do you like him that much?) Halima noded "أطلب منه أن يطلب يدك للزواج بكل احترام، لا أستطيع أن أعدك بنعم، ولكن إذا كان رجلاً جيدًا فسأفكر في الأمر"
(ask him to ask your hand in marriage respectfully i cant promise ill yes but if he is a good guy I'll think about it) and left the room

Halima asked Ellison to ask her hand in marriage and that she already talked to her father Ellison agreed.

When Ellison came to Huzefa for halima's hand in marriage, Huzefa immediately recognized him and pointed his gun at him "what do you want asshole?" Ellison chuckled and said "I came for halima's hand in marriage" The realization hit huzefa when the realized the man his daughter loved was Ellison.

After that he tried to change halima's mind by telling her how dangerous of a man Ellison was knowing very well halima hated the business he did he told her Ellison was in the same business but nothing changed her mind

When her father didn't agree halima stopped eating talking and stayed in her room crying there were now guards everywhere in her room and outside her room she said she felt like a prisoner

He couldn't bare seeing his daughter in pain knowing he could end the pain he eventually gave up he agreed but his only condition was she'll never come to Egypt again and never see him again that broke halima but didn't change her mind the last words halima's father said to her were "your mother would've been disappointed"

After that she never saw him again and went to Italy with Ellison everything was perfect But Halima cried every night Rmebering her father and his last words but she pretended she was happy she prayed for forgiveness she tried contacting her father but would never reply to her letters Ellison knew about it and gave her space.

He tried his best to make her forget about it but her wounds were very deep. Halima got pregnant they were happy halima started moving on but as their she became pregnant with her second child Ellison got very busy he stayed in America most of the time but tried hia best to be their for his children and wife.


Hi yall he hehe this was the first chapter the story of Bellas parents hope y'all like it it's boring now I swear it'll interesting soon trust mee hehehe


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