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The waiting room Ryan is in up top.

Ryan's POV

I paced back and forth in the waiting room. Suddenly, the doctor came out. "How is she?! Will she be okay?! I want to see her!"

The doctor sighed. "She's resting right now, but she'll be fine. When she wakes up, be sure that she doesn't make any sudden movements. She shouldn't stand. She should rest for a week until she's healed. Also, don't get her worked up."

I nodded. "Okay, thank you so much. Can I go see her?"

The doctor opened Penelope's door. "Go ahead, just don't wake her up."

I nodded and walked inside quietly. Penelope was laying on the hospital bed. She was connected to an IV and her wound was patched up. Even with the recent issues, she looks as beautiful as ever.

I sit on the chair beside her bed and I gently take her hand. I caressed her hand softly.

"I'm so sorry baby... I should have protected you... I promise I'll make up for it." I whispered, quietly.

Penelope's POV/ Later That Night

My eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing pitch black darkness. I looked around the room, not moving. I looked at my wound, seeing a bandage covering it. Thank goodness. Wait. Where's Ryan?!

"Ryan..." I whispered.

I looked down and Ryan was sitting on a chair. His head was on the edge of the bed, buried in the blanket, asleep. I smiled, and caressed his hair softly.

'Isn't he so cute?' Vicky mummered like a lovesick highschool girl.

I laughed softly, wincing slightly from the wound. 'He is Vicky, just don't make me laugh again because that hurt. Damnit.'

'Oh, sorry Penelope.' She whispered.

I smiled. 'It's fine, Vicky. Don't worry about it. I'm just happy we're okay.'

"Penelope..." Ryan mumbled asleep.

'Oh my gosh! He's dreaming about you! AHHHH!!!' Vicky squealed.

I continued caressing his soft locks. I love him. I love him so much. I closed my eyes, sleep taking me.

Ryan's POV/ The Next Day

Penelope layed asleep on the hospital bed. The doctor came in to take the IV out.

"Be careful." I growled softly.

The doctor carefully removed the IV. "Alright, she can go home now. Just remember the precautions. If the wound gets infected, make sure to bring her back."

I nodded and wrapped a blanket softly around Penelope. I carefully picked her up bridal style as she was still asleep. I walked out of the pack hospital and carefully put Penelope into the backseat of my car. After buckling her up, I got into the driver's seat and drove home.

After getting home, I carefully layed Penelope in bed and gently tucked her in. Before I could leave the room, Penelope grabbed my hand.

"Can you stay with me?" She mumbled.

I nodded, holding her hand. "Of course I'll stay with you."

I gently layed next to her, careful not to make any sudden movements. I wrapped the blankets around both of us and carefully brought Penelope into my chest.

"Tell me if I'm hurting you, baby." I whispered softly, kissing her cheek.

She nodded and leaned into my touch.

"I love you Ryan." She whispered.

I looked at her, my eyes filled with affection. "I love you too, Penelope. I'll always be here for you. I promise."

Penelope smiled softly and turned towards me.

"Be careful baby. I don't want you getting hurt." I told her, concerned.

She caressed my cheek softly. "I'm fine."

I relaxed, holding her hand to my cheek. "Okay. But you better tell me when you're in pain."

She nodded and kissed my cheek. I blushed slightly from her touch. I continued to hold her close as she relaxed in my arms. Everything was right. I want to stay like this forever. As long as Penelope is in my arms, my life is perfect. I closed my eyes, feeling content.

Penelope's POV/ One Weeks Later

I jumped around the house, happy that I can finally move around again.

'Ryan didn't let us shift for a whole week.' Hannah grumbled, not thrilled.

'Yeah, what she said!' Vicky agreed.

I sighed. 'It was just because he didn't want me hurting myself. Come on, loosen up.'

I continued jumping around the house, happy I'm not in bed anymore.

"Penelope, be careful. Maybe you should lay in bed. Don't jump around. " Ryan told me, concerned.

I smiled. "I'm fine. The doctor said one week."

Ryan tried to reach for me to stop me from jumping. "I know, Penelope. But maybe another week wouldn't hurt."

I shook my head. "Absolutely not. I've been in bed for a week, literally. You wouldn't let me out. I'm fine. My wound is healed. I'm going to let Vicky and Hannah out."

Ryan's eyes widened. "Shift?! Penelope wait!"

Before he could say anything more, I was already out the door.

"Penelope get back in bed right now!" Ryan pouted, concerned.

The 17th chapter is finished!! What do you think? Please comment any suggestions and editing mistakes. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a great day :)

Penelope was able to heal and of course Ryan is being protective of her. Do you think Ryan's cute? I genuinely want to know if anyone thinks that. 🤔

Word Count (880)

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