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The sun was just starting to rise, casting a warm golden light over the countryside. The air was crisp and refreshing, carrying with it the faint scent of blooming flowers. Azura stood in the varendah of her house, taking deep breaths and admiring the peace and beauty of the morning.

Her varenda was her favorite spot in the house, a wide open space that overlooked a vast expanse of land. It was a place where she could escape the hustle and bustle of her everyday life and find solace in nature.

As she breathed in the fresh air, Azura could feel the calmness seeping into her bones. Her mind cleared of all worries and she was able to appreciate the beauty around her. The towering trees, the chirping of birds, and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze all added to the serenity of the moment.

She looked to the side to find Leon and ahser sparring , Finn and wisnton betting that ahser would win while Noah and Rezef said that Leon would, Ryu was giving them live commentary as if he was the host of the duel .

And then azura looked beside her where Ryo was sunbathing like her , the snow had started to melt away and the sun was finally visible fully , she hoped that Curtis would come back really fast . She was also thinking about how much the plot with QingQing had progressed, there was no drama happening about the ape king now, she heard from Parker that they were leaving the city , they all Even had a family dinner before they departed the next day when ape king had been slaughtered and azura hasn't heard from him ever since .

Sooner or later , azura planned to leave the city too , but only after Curtis returns .

" don't you want to go join them? "
Azura asked as she took a seat beside him , he opened his closed eyes and shook his head .

" it's too noisy ! "
Ryo said .

" hmm , I see ."
Azura said as she leaned onto him .

" it's nice to sit under the sun and do nothing. "
Ryo admitted as he stretched his hands and cracked his neck .

" I know right! "
Azura nodded in agreement .

Facts .

Do .

Not .

Need .


It .

Is .

What .

It .

Is .

Doing nothing is fun , at least you're doing something .

" I'm bored Ryo. "
Azura whined .

" me too ! Let's stay bored together. "
Ryo nodded as he patted azura's head before he laid his head on azura's lap and again closed his eyes .

" why are you doing this? Come on get up ."
Azura said as she played with his hair , if was really smooth and silky , everyone there had great hair .

" of course I'll get up , later ."
He said still with his eyes closed and chuckled when azura poked his cheeks .

" no-"

" Darling...... "
Hisses .

Everyone stopped in their tracks as their eyes fell on the red haired snake in front of them , azura and ryo immediately got up .

The first thing azura did was to run towards him and hug him like a koala !

Curtis laughed as he hugged her back with a bright smile on his face .

" my my , if I had known that I was going to receive such a lovely hug from you when I return then I might have cut
Those mountains into pieces for keeping me away from your embrace. "
Everyone laughed at those words , the loudest laughs belonged to Asher and Noah.

" stop flattering me, "
Azura said still hugging him .

" come on, love , let me see your face , I've missed seeing your beautiful smile for years ,"
Curtis said as he broke the hug and cupped her face and azura couldn't help but smile cheekily at that exaggeration .

" you were away only for a few months curits, "
Azura said as she kissed his cheeks.

" whatever! I really missed you , I missed you all too-"
He paused as he looked there and Three new faces .

He looked at the faces he knew and they all had an expression that only meant one thing , those three were also azura's mates .

" Let's all go inside first shall we ? "
Ahser said.

" Curtis has a lot to catch on........ "
Leon said and the others nodded .

There were really a lot of things happened in Curtis's absence.

Everyone was seated in the lving room right now , azura was seated on Curtis's lap right now as she hugged him , she did not plan on letting go of him at all and he didn't mind that . Everyone else found it adorable.

" so ? "
Curtis raised a brow as he looked at Asher.

" uh , yes , so many things happened after you left and that's when we all became a family, the circumstances were surely unfortunate......... "
Asher said giving a brief explanation of the chaos .

" what exactly happened ? "
Curtis didn't get what was confused right now.

" many things happened, you might want to get angry and throw a fit ."
Winston said .

" are you guys telling me or not ? "
Curtis was losing his patience.

" see , you're getting angry ! "
Leon shook his head .

" no , I'm not , but I will if you drag this conversation further. "
Curits said .

" fine , let's start with what happened first ! "
Noah said and everyone nodded.

" Finn ! Start ! "
Noah said and Finn nodded .

Ryo , Ryu and Rezef were sitting as they watched the others sort things out .

" what happened was ....... "

[ A/n: do vote and comment! By the way , don't be a silent reader , comments make writers more inspired to write more .]

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