017, you're hot when you're mad

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                      .•POURING RAIN•.
            { irl }


mallekai felt her breath hitch as she got out of the car, music was blaring from the house and people were scattered about on the front lawn. anxiety prickled up her back once more, making her skin crawl uncomfortably.

matt had noticed the way the girl froze and went slightly pale, he knew how she felt in that very moment because he felt the exact same way. matt gulped nervously walking around the car toward mallekai.

mal was stuck staring at all the people, her vision was narrowed and her eyes flew around looking in every direction. matt finally reached her waving a hand in front of her face, instantly she snapped her neck around to look at him. her eyes were still wide and her mouth slightly agape.

"hey mal it's okay, you're going to be okay," matt spoke softly knowing if his voice was any louder it would only make it worse. mallekai drowned out the other sounds, listening to matt's words carefully as he spoke.

mal stared back at him suddenly feeling a wave of reassurance hit her, this boy was the only person that could make her calm down. mal nodded taking a deep breath.

"yeah okay, uhm thanks matt," she said smiling at the boy before putting her mask on and beginning to walk into the party. suddenly she felt a hand snake into hers, mallekai looked over her shoulder realising that matt was the person holding her hand.

she smiled even though he couldn't see it and continued walking with his hand in hers. matt gave her hand a little reassuring squeeze before putting his mask on and walking inside.

inside was a complete mess. there were empty bottles and cans spread across the whole living room floor,  funky looking stains coating the carpet with the odd purple or black balloon.

the decorations were nice though, there was a banner saying happy halloween and skeletons hanging from the stairs. a purple light lit up the whole room revealing the dancing outlines of people that mal most likely didn't know.

mallekai looked over her shoulder at matt as he gave her hand another squeeze. matt looked around the room attempting to find out where the kitchen was located.

"do you want a drink?" matt asked mallekai taking her attention away from the drunk people around her.

"HUH?" mallekai questioned clearly not hearing what matt had said. matt rolled his eyes from under the mask leaning into her ear, he lifted the mask a little so she could hear him better.

"I SAID DO YOU WANT A DRINK?" matt repeated practically screaming into the girls ear. mallee could finally actually decipher what matt was saying over the loud noise.

"uh yeah sure what do they have?" mal asked the boy in the same yelling tone. matt stood back, his mask still lifted as he looked at her like she was insane. mallekai raised one of her eyebrows, confused at what was wrong all of a sudden.

"I don't know sweetheart it's not my party" matt had leaned back into her ear, speaking with a tone mal couldn't even decipher.

mallekai rolled her eyes at the boy, adjusting her dress that had ridden up her thighs. matts eyes lowered to where she was lifting her dress, a smirk tugging at his lips.

 .•𝓟𝓞𝓤𝓡𝓘𝓝𝓖 𝓡𝓐𝓘𝓝•. - Matthew Sturniolo 💫Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora