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there are three y/n's and three shu's in this book.

ACT 1: asymptotes - lines that can get closer but can never be together.

first shu had a conflict about his feelings for first y/n, hence asymptotes.

the first y/n died at the age of 20.

the first shu couldn't handle first y/n's death and killed himself.

he tried making the impossible, but he couldn't. so he blamed himself. and he blamed himself even more when he thought of the possibility that maybe... maybe she died because of his eagerness to let her live longer, even when destiny said there's no way for her life to go any further.

y/n died. shu killed himself. mysta was lonely.

ike remained 16.

ACT II: tangent - lines that had one chance to meet then parted forever

mysta, shu, y/n reincarnated.

second shu is famous at school. second y/n is famous at school.

ike attended the same school.

their paths never crossed, but then they met in the library.

during their first life, shu connected his soul to y/n's soul. so when they met each other in that library there was a spark...

they caught each other's attention and they fell in love— without interaction.

they fell in love hearing good and bad things about each other from other people. but they never met again.

y/n became in a relationship with someone else. she then died again with an unknown disease which surprised the whole school. shu felt so much pain.

shu had a continuous dream of following her. then unknowingly, he died in his sleep.

"we failed again." shu said.
"i'm sorry, it's all my fault." y/n said.
past shu laughed and ruffled past 20-year-old y/n's hair "never will it be."
"i want to try again."
"even if it hurts you?"
"it hurts you too."
"i prefer sharing your pain rather than keeping it to yourself."
"we should stop." y/n said.
"let's try again."
"let's try again."

ACT III: parellel - lines that are never meant to meet.

they met.

they fell in love.

they got together.

they got married.

third y/n was a journalist for a newspaper while shu was an IT engineer.

they met in a train where shu got her number. they went to a few dates, got her to be his girlfriend, and after years of dating, they got married and settled down.

y/n got sick.

"no! i won't let this happen again! i like you, okay?!"


why did i say that? what does that mean?

shu started dreaming of his second past life, where he regretted not pursuing y/n.

y/n met a fox while she was bedridden at home. followed it. saw a pond. stared at it. saw her first past life with shu.

remember when shu took her memories of her parents? she ate her pearl of memories.

y/n cried at shu but never blamed him.

her sickness got worse.

shu felt her pain.

he brought her to the city for cure. there is no cure. again.

shu still continued attending work, but comes to the hospital to visit his wife every night.

he kept praying every day and every night.

until he eventually came to a part of his life where he wanted her dead.

she was resting in the hospital bed and he was about to kill her.

"i will end your suffering, then i will come with you."

"you're just like them."

shu suddenly saw the 8-year-old y/n from her first past life. shu talked with her. his memories from his first and second past life came back too.

shu also saw his sorcerer past self and talked with him.

"i loved this child dearly. never expected to marry her, though. a lot of readers probably found this weird and dropped the story."

the sorcerer then said,

"i'll take care of her"

talking about the 30-year-old y/n.

y/n was pregnant which is why she was getting weaker. y/n met her child in her dreams and the child told y/n lots of stories about her (the child) and her dad's future.

she reassured her mom that she's as healthy as her dad.

and she said she even inherited his powers!

y/n told shu about this and shu was overjoyed,

not knowing that his wife would have to give up her life just for their child.

y/n did not survive child birth.

shu kept the child.

shu raised her, one of the many things y/n left for him to treasure.

the story ended with 30-year-old y/n, walking with sorcerer shu with 8-year-old y/n sitting on sorcerer shu's shoulder, the sorcerer and the 8-year-old telling the 30-year-old y/n about their idiotic tries of making things right.

[DISCONTINUED] NOLHLID | shu yaminoWhere stories live. Discover now