Protection - Jaime Lannister

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Jaime x fem!reader Stark

Warnings: GOT

Word count: 2,033

Summary: Reader is a Stark stuck in King's Landing after everything and including her fathers death. The only one that seems to care about her is shockingly Jaime Lannister.

Authors Note: I think after the changes Jaime's character made from being held captive by the Stark's and losing his hand plus his time with Brienne that he would be protective of the Stark girls. The oath he made to Catelyn he didn't want to break, so I think that means something. Just like he couldn't himself but he helped himself and Breinne by sending her to go look after and find Arya and Sansa. - I couldn't decide whether I wanted to be romantic or him protecting her because she resembled what he thought a daughter of his own would be like or if he was honoring his promise to Catelyn. I tried to leave it open.

Y/n didn't understand what she had done in life to deserve this treatment. To have the recent events happen in her life. To watch her little brother almost die from a horrible fall, to then having to watch her father be executed, she didn't know where her youngest sister was, she had to watch her other younger sister be tormented by a brat that was only going to become a awful king, and her older brother by a year had started a war to get them back with their mother by his side.

But how she had managed to have the Queen's rath bestowed upon her in physical abuse. Y/n didn't know how that happened and she knew for fact she hadn't done anything to deserve it.

But Y/n had been in Kings Landing long enough to know that Cersei and Joffery didn't need reasons to be cruel. It just seemed to be part of their personality.

Tyrion was the only kind one to Y/n and Sansa. Along with his friend Bronn and man servant Podrick. Y/n didn't trust anyone else in the Red Keep.

Lately Y/n noticed Jaime, ever since he got back he had been trying to get close to her and Sansa. But neither Stark knew what to make of it. He really was trying to get closer to Y/n, but Y/n was worried that it was some kind of plan from Cersei.

It was a normal sunny day, Y/n actually thought it'd be a good day to go out and walk or ride but leaving her room? That didn't feel like a good idea, given her appearance.

Suddenly in the incredibly quiet room there were sounds of knocking on her chamber doors. Y/n gave a soft 'come in', just loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear.

Upon seeing Jaime Lannister Y/n nervously started ringing her hands at what they might have planned for her now. "Ser Jaime. To what do I owe this visit to?"

Jaime shook his head. "I'm not here on any business."

"Oh?" Y/n was curious but she still wanted to be cautious. So she kept her head down. For more than just that reason though.

Jaime noticed the way she was holding herself and it reminded him of a scared animal. So he raised his arms to show he didn't mean her any harm. Her behavior made his eyes fill with concern. "Y/n, I'm not going to hurt you."

Y/n realized that this could be very bad so she needed to back track. "Ser Jaime, I-I meant no o-offense." She stuttered shaking her head but still keeping it down with her hair framing her face to cover her face from his view.

"You made none. No reason to apologize." He quickly reassured.

As they stood there Jaime took more notice of things. Things that were making him more concerned by the second. So he took enough steps to be standing right in front of her.

"Y/n, look at me. Please." Jaime asked, but when he noticed how she was so hesitant to do as he asked. Jaime slowly raised his hand to lift her chin, as gently as possible to not spook her. When she was finally looking him in the eye, face to face is when Jaime noticed. She has a bruised cheek bone which to him looked almost like it belonged to a fading black eye, and she had a cut on her eyebrow and her lip. No wonder she was hiding her face, he thought. "Who did this?"

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