For You - Robb Stark

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Robb x fem!reader Baratheon/Lannister

Warnings: GOT, incest mentioned

Word count: 718

Summary: Y/n's uncle has been captured in the war between her blood family and her family by law. The one person that really cared about her growing up. Will her husband kill the one person closest to his wife?

Authors Note: I know Jaime did a lot of crap to the Starks but I like this story and I'm not sorry. 

Robb stood there in their shared tent staring at his wife. He knew she was hurting but was bottling it up. She didn't want to look weak or like a traitor to their men but Robb knew it wasn't healthy. He could see it taking a toll on her and that was starting to hurt him as well. Once the last person had left the tent and they were alone Robb decided it was time to talk about it. "I am sorry my love."

"For what your Grace?" Y/n asked confused on what he had to be sorry for.

"I know it hurts you to see him typed up out there." Robb stated, cutting straight to the chase but still wanting to be considerate of her feelings.

It was silent for a few minutes. Y/n had a feeling that he had been wanting to bring this up for awhile. But Y/n didn't know how exactly to explain how she felt about the situation.

"He is my uncle. He's the only person that's always been there for me and supported all my decisions." Y/n couldn't even begin to explain all that Jaime had done for her in her life. "My father could give a crap about us kids and my mother only cares about power. Jaime, he actually cares."

Robb had seen first hand when they visited Winterfell how her parents were. And he saw how close she was with her Kingsgaurd uncle. "I'm sorry."

Robb knew they had good parents growing up, one's that cared. His wife didn't have that.

"And if the rumors are true than I guess, he's my blood father." Y/n feared saying it out loud. Not anything against her 'Uncle', but the fact why would anyone want to be around or love the child of incest. She had a hard enough time finding love just having Lannister blood run through her veins. "That makes me someone you shouldn't be with."

Y/n dropped her head trying to hide her tears and defeated expression. She had truly come to fall in love with her husband and now because of her family's mistakes she could lose him.

Robb rushed over to her cupping her cheeks and pulled her inot a passionate kiss. "I love you, I do not care about who your parents are. My love for you will never change. That I promise."

Y/n gave him a watery smile. "I love you to my wolf."

"I won't kill him." Robb spoke up after some time.

Y/n pulled back to look at her husband, giving him a sad but appreciative smile. The fact that he wants to spare Jaime for her is heartwarming, but she knew he couldn't. "You can't promise me that. As much as you'd like to, you can't. If your men-"

"Fuck what my men want." He cut her off. He was King of the North now he could do what he wanted.

"He injured your father." Y/n continued back with sad eyes.

"He's not the one that killed him." Robb pulled her closer by the hips. Yes she had a point with both things. But so did he.

"I'm sorry-"

"You have nothing to apologize for." Robb cut her off again. She was not to blame for anything that had happened.

"They're my family, and they're tormenting yours. Their the ones doing all this." Y/n hated that she was put into the middle of everything just because of blood and marriage.

"You've been with me the whole time. You have had no part in it. In any of it, so none of it is your fault. You are not to blame. They're tormenting you as well by putting you in the middle of all this." Robb pulled her against his chest with an arm around her waist holding her to him, while the other rested on the back of her neck. Looking her in the eye's to prove his seriousness. "I won't kill Jaime. For you I won't. But the other Lannisters..."

Y/n nodded knowing what he meant. "I know... Thank you."

"You are my wife, my Queen. You do not need to thank me." Robb shook his head. With him she'd always have a voice. He would never dictate her life.

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