Chapter 3. Tide

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"I can't help you if you don't explain."

"There's a lot of. . . discrepancies at play here, Hwa. It's more than just me and San. I can't say anything."

"Okay. I won't press any further–" Seonghwa sighs again, and Wooyoung breathes quietly in relief. "But the moment that shit starts to fall apart, I don't care what you can and can't tell me. You better let me in, Wooyoung. I know you. I know how you are. You don't have to handle this shit alone."


"No. I'm serious. I don't care about your contracts. I don't care about San's feelings. I care about you, and only you in any of this. I don't want to see you revert from all of the progress you made. So I'm telling you now, that if any of this gets worse, you are going to tell me everything."

"Fine, fine." Wooyoung gives in easily, rolling his eyes. It surely couldn't get worse, so Seonghwa had nothing to worry about. Surely.

"I love you, you idiot. You're my best friend, okay? Yeosang would say the same thing in his own evil, shithead way."

"I know. I love you too, Hwa."

After another few minutes of bickering and talking, the call eventually ends. Wooyoung sinks into the comfort of his mattress, pressing his head down into his cold pillow, phone dejectedly laying down next to him. He's confused, still. He feels like his heart is being led astray while his mind turns to ruins.

He just hoped that when he woke, all of the anger would fall away with the setting of the moon.

The morning comes, and Wooyoung wakes up late. His phone had rung several times by Yeosang calling him, texting him even more frequently than he had called. Wooyoung rushes out of bed after briefly looking at the amount of missed pings on his phone, hopping into the shower to quickly rinse himself off, then simultaneously texting Yeosang back as he tries to dry his hair.



Your mom needs you and San here in the next forty-five minutes.

Are you awake??


4 Missed Calls from Yeosang



She is getting upset.

Please tell me you didn't oversleep.

Oh my fuck, I am so sorry, Yeo.

I hopped out of the shower just now, I just have to dry my hair.

We can be on the way in ten minutes.


Your mother postponed the media appearance by another hour.

You're lucky that San's father is also running a bit behind.

Please be more careful! She's really upset. :(

I know, I know. I don't mean to get you in trouble.

I promise we're on the way soon.

𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 ║ ᴡᴏᴏꜱᴀɴKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat