CHAPTER 32: Getting Personal

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Bella was beyond petrified to host a party in her own home. That is a first for her. She knew it was Ethan and Jackson's party and Luke had invited her. Which meant members of the Denbeigh pack are gonna be there and god knows who else, which made her nervous. Bella and Luke just started a relationship and she didn't need them to know. Not yet anyways.

Bella was so overwhelmed and stressed. Ethan and Jackson had completely taken over her home and turned it into a crazy themed holiday party and Christmas was just days away. And she had almost forgotten that her father was coming. The party was on the 22nd which was a relief since Peter wasn't coming until the 23rd. She didn't want her father to see all the excitement and she most especially did not want Peter to interact with the Denbeigh pack. Although there was a possibility that certain scents would get left behind.

Ethan and Jackson arrived by 11 in the morning to set things up the morning of December 23rd. The both of them carried several bags of things for the party into the cottage. Ethan wasn't thrilled to see that things were not fresh enough to host a party, let alone a Christmas party.

"What's a guy gotta do to keep things cleaned properly around here!?" Ethan demanded, jokingly.

"Excuse me?" Bella scoffed " No one will care since decorations for your party will be strung up all over and people will leave a mess behind after."

"Still, it needs to look more presentable! Especially for our friends and allies!"

"So you're worried about embarrassing the packs or you'll be worried that you'll get embarrassed?"

"Same thing!"

Jackson laughed "Babe, relax. We have until five. Plenty of time to get things set up. Nothing will go wrong."

"You know how I like things to be perfect." Ethan scowled

Jackson chuckled "Always the perfectionist."

Bella sighed "God helps us all."

People started arriving shortly before 5 in the evening. Slowly, people started to gather. All but the Denbeigh pack. Bella was waiting. Patience was something she had in abundance. But she was also very nervous. Luke was going to be there with his pack, his family. And no one knew they were together and they were most likely going to find out tonight regardless.

After waiting for quite some time, Bella caught a familiar presence, that very scent seemed to linger in the room. She turned towards the door and saw her mate's pack walking through the door. Jackson and Ethan go to greet the pack while Bella stays still in the dining area.

Luke was the last person to enter the cottage. His eyes light up as he sees her and he starts to show off a stupid grin. Bella flustered at this and smiled back as Luke stared at her with his dark eyes.

Luke couldn't handle it anymore and moved towards her. He grabbed her and leaned and kissed her, uncaring that a room full of people were watching them. Bella's heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest.

Bella broke the kiss and pulled apart "That was an amazing way to say hello. What was that for?"

Luke smiled, "I just missed you."

"Oh yeah?' Bella said teasingly. "What happened to not telling anyone?"

"It doesn't matter to me." Luke said, nuzzling into her neck "I want the whole world to know that you are mine."

"Boy!" the booming voice of David Denbeigh said as he marched towards the two wolves. Both of the alphas stare each other down for a moment before David glared at Bella and spoke again "Take it down a notch. We're at a party."

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