CHAPTER 13: Wailing

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Tension could be felt all over the cottage from the basement to the upstairs. The scents of emotions ran high. Bella left the basement, feeling a sense of relief over her choice of words to him. But at the same time she was still angry and hurt. Even though she knew that Peter was possessed, he still hurt her regardless. She nearly died again. And it would have been by her father's hand.

After wearing dried up blood and dirt for most of the day, Bella went upstairs to take a shower. The words that came out of Peter's mouth are running wild in her mind. She was furious.She walked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Bella felt like crying. No. She wanted to cry. Just as she stepped into the shower, tears rolled down her cheeks. She stood there for ages, lost in her own thoughts.

After the shower, Bella just sits on her bed, not wanting to move. She still couldn't believe what went down. She listened to the waves crashing and decided to get dressed. As Bella walked downstairs, she could hear Peter and Derek conversing.

Derek could sense the feeling of distraught from where he stood, in front of Peter, down in the cellar. He is certain that Peter could feel it too.

"She doesn't deserve this. She's done nothing to you to ever make you doubt her." Derek tells Peter.

"Oh, I trust her." Peter said, looking down, "It's me I don't trust."

Derek scoffed. "Since when did you not trust yourself?"

"When I found out that I tried to kill my own daughter."

Not wanting to listen anymore, she grabs her coat and steps outside, walking down the beach and towards the water. Bella listens to the sounds of the water and the sounds of birds chirping. Being out in the open with no one else around was peaceful. She sat down in the sand and positioned herself comfortably and set her gaze upon the water.

"It's beautiful out here."

Bella turned her head and saw Derek walking up from behind her. She wiped some tears away and nodded.

"May I join you?" Derek asked

Bella nods and Derek sat down in the sand beside her. She looked behind her, checking to see if it was just the two of them

"Don't worry. He's still in the cellar." Derek tells her

Bella sighs "How is he?"

"He'll live. He regrets what happened."

"Really?" Bella replied sarcastically "My father, Peter Hale, has regrets."

Derek glares "He actually feels guilty of what happened. Being possessed by a Banshee didn't help make things better. But maybe it puts things into perspective for him."

"By realizing he almost killed me?"


"So it takes almost killing me to get it through his head that this is what I want?" Bella questions "Derek, you know him."

"I do." Derek said "And I was standing in that room after you walked away. The emotions he felt, you can't ignore that."

Bella said nothing as she looked back at the water. "What are we going to do about this Banshee thing?"

"I was hoping you could tell me. After all, this is your territory now."

Derek was right. This was her territory now. This Banshee has interfered and now it has to be stopped. Back inside, Bella went to the table and turned her laptop on.

"This was all I could find in the local folklore of the Banshees. It's not much but all of this information is mostly old. Like really old. Nothing in recent news."

Bella Hale: An American Werewolf in London-A Teen Wolf Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن