CHAPTER 12: Hypnotic

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After recovering from the shock of everything, Bella told Derek to follow her down to the cellar where they can tie Peter up for the time being.

"I don't have any chains but I do have a ton of rope." Bella said to Derek as she dragged several feet of thick rope.

"Then we better hope that he doesn't get through those." Derek said as he began tying the unconscious Peter to the pillar.

"As long as we use several layers, we should be fine."

"Let's hope so, for your sake."

Bella sighed as she helped Derek tie Peter up. Once finished, they stepped back and watched over him. All of the scratches and wounds on Peter were mostly healed by now but the blood dried all over his face, neck, arms and shirt.  The back of his head was damped with blood from where she hit him with the rock earlier. Bella knew she was a mess herself but has yet to see the damage.

"Any ideas on how a Banshee could've gotten to him?" Bella asked

"I don't know." Derek replied "It must've happened when he took off earlier. Sometime between then and now, something happened."

"I didn't even know that Banshees could do that. Did Lydia even do something like that?"

"No. But it's not an uncommon ability for Banshees."

"Do you think he was even aware of what he was doing?" Bella questioned as she crossed her arms, looking down at her father.

Derek sighed "I don't know. But if he did..."

"Either he will be so pissed off at himself or..." Bella couldn't finish the sentence.

"Hey." Derek said, placing a hand on her shoulder "If you hadn't caught the look in his eyes, we wouldn't have known that he was possessed. You could've ended up seriously hurt, if not dead"

"Yeah, but he hasn't killed me."

"You know he's never going to forgive himself for this, right?" Derek questions

"Well, will he ever forgive me for beating him up with a rock?" Bella replied back sarcastically

Derek scoffed with a smirk. "Yeah, well, he had that one coming. Whoever possessed him, wasn't making it easy to bring him down. It only made him stronger."

"But it was making it easy for him to bring me down, nearly killing me." Bella said, looking down at her feet "I'm stronger than that, Der. But he was always one step ahead of me, almost as if he knew the moves I was going to make. I could've fought him off easily but..."

"With possession, you never know. Or in the correct term, Hypnotic voice"

"Hypnotic voice." Bella repeated "Are we sure it wasn't a demon that got to him?"

"No, I'm fairly certain we're dealing with a Banshee. We both heard the scream."

Bella nods

"You did the best you could to fight him off, you know?" Derek said "Your training has clearly improved a lot and that's saying something. Your fighting skills were really good.  I know that Peter had the upper hand here but he wasn't himself. This wasn't a fight between you and Peter. It was a fight between you and something else."

Bella sighed "But it was my dad. I really did not want to fight him nor did I ever want to hurt him"

"I know." Derek said sadly "I know he'd feel the same about you."

"Derek, what if some of the things he said, or the banshee said, were true? It spoke as if it was dad speaking but how do I know if it was the words of Peter Hale or the banshee?"

Bella Hale: An American Werewolf in London-A Teen Wolf FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum