"You made me drop my drink", I said as I bent down to pick up the pieces. I saw him bent down as well picking up the pieces with me.

"So how are you feeling today?", he asked as he stood up and took the pieces of glass from my hands and walked over to the trash.

"I'm okay. I'm excited to see you named Don and the ball." I said with a small smile before walking over to him. He smiled before ruffling my hair. I groaned in annoyance at his affection towards me. I mean I know I'm younger but he really takes advantage of that. I swatted his hand away.

"I'm not that much younger than you but you treat me like a baby." I said as I walked away.

"Aww cmon you'll  always be my baby brother Saint get used to my affection. I LOVE YOU!!" He screamed making sure everyone hears. My eyes widened in surprise and felt my face get red and hot.

"Stop that!" I said as I walked away faster to my room. All I could hear was his laughing. I rolled my eyes at his childlike attempt to embarrass me. I walked down the hallway and stopped at the dining room when I heard my dad. He was taking a phone call. It looked serious as he had a frown on his face. My dad and Santino almost looked like twins. The only difference was that my father was less expressive than him. He was more in control  of his feelings than Santino. I was prepared to walk away before his hand caught my attention. He looked at me and smiled.

"I'll let you go. Make sure you keep me updated on the Di Angelo's " he said before he clicked and walked up to me. My father's was just as tall as Santino but his frame was a bit wider. Compared to me my father looked like a giant to be honest.

"Hello baby." He said as he leaned down to kiss my forehead. I smiled as I received his affection. As I said my family was really close and would display affection wherever and whenever they felt like it. I didn't really mind it. But it was annoying that they would only show me affection by kissing me. I think they forget I'm a 20year old man. I mean ok... I don't look like it but that doesn't take away the fact that I am! I honestly felt like a daughter sometimes.

"Hey dad." I said as I stepped away.

"I know you are still trying to regulate yourself, so I don't know if you should attend the ball tonight." He said as he lifted up my face by my chin to look at him in the eyes since I had the bad habit of looking way when someone was talking to me. Dad said it was bad manners.

"Yeah..but I really want to go. And I took my medication already. It will only be a few hours but I promise if I still dont feel well, I will come to you or mom." I said as I looked pleadingly at him. I know I told Santino I was fine but my dad could usually tell when I'm lying so I found it futile to lie to him. I was feeling better than yesterday but sometimes my episode last a week or so. And I haven't had a violent episode in a few months so now my parents are checking in on me more constantly. Santino on the other hand loves when I completely let go. He told me sometimes it's just what you need. And I agree with him a little. Usually when I have a violent episode he takes me to our warehouse where he has me kill any of our enemies to let out some steam. Dad also agreed with this method since it brought me back faster . And well...when I see all that blood on my hands, it feels euphoric. It feels as if every nerve in my body is on fire with pleasure .

"Please? I give you my word." I said as I reached up to grab his wrist which was still on my chin holding me in place.I saw my dad's eyes soften. He was contemplating on if he should believe me. Since I also have to habit of trying to deal with the episodes my myself, he knew better than to just believe me.

"Fine. But if you leave the ball without my permission...."he said as his eyes darkened. He was serious. Like really serious. I looked down tearing my eyes away from my dad.

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