558 17 3

Winona Leicester
04:00 AM


Feels weird here. My eyes burn from crying and I'm not functioning well.

You know, I'm not someone who will stay in the past for too long. Things happen then I move forward. It was that easy until you died.

I visited you a while ago. I brought your favorite flowers and water the plants beside your grave, and turn the radio on with the volume you like. I'm still mourning. I don't think I will ever stop mourning for the moments we could've had if you were here.

You fought so hard and gave birth to a wonderful baby, Winona. She looks so much like your baby pictures kaya hindi na ako aasa na kamuka ko sya paglaki nya.

I know it's weird that I'm flooding you with messages but I just want to let you know that I love you even though we never really talked about it.

I'll take care of your parents and our daughter. Rest easy there, best girl. You've done enough. I'll be the one to take the pain this time. :)

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