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As Jaden and I continue walking, a large white building with a passageway appears in the distance. It reminds me of the old buildings of the Greeks. As we get closer, we see that the tall pillars are decorated with stems of leaves. On the pillars, graceful lines are painted. The two pillars that gracefully come together form a kind of gate without a door. "We honestly ended up in Lord of The Rings." Jaden says mockingly. I am amazed by the beauty and I can't believe that we are sincere here. "Let's hope there's someone," I say. We walk on and see that the sun is already starting to set. We see that the trees connect the houses and there is a large house in the middle. "Let's go inside and have a look," says Jaden, "If we don't find anyone, we might find a map," he adds. We walk towards the entrance and suddenly we hear a noise. Jaden looks at me and a small smile of relief appears on my face. Suddenly, a figure appears at the entrance. She steps outside and stops. She has long white hair and her pointy ears peek out from underneath. She wears a long dark blue dress that is slightly torn at the bottom. On top of the robe, she wears a silver corset. She has light brown skin and dark blue eyes. She grabs her dagger that is attached to a belt and points it at us. "Who are you and what are you doing here," she says viciously. Me and Jaden look confused at each other because we had expected a somewhat warming welcome. "I told you, the elves in Lord of The Rings have such big egos too," Jaden says quietly. I give him a little push so he's quiet. "We are looking for someone to show us the way to the palace," I say anxiously. She looks down at us and suddenly she turns and starts walking in the building. Jaden looks at me strangely and we are both confused and don't know what to do. "She's our only chance," Jaden says. He grabs my arm and starts running in her direction. "Please wait, we need your help" I shout. Suddenly, she stops and turns around again. We are much closer together now than we were before, so I can see the black lines around her eyes. "First of all, you look ridiculous. I'm not doing anyone any favors, and certainly not Narlis," she says with an attitude. She's right, I think to myself. Her clothes look way too cool and we're here in our school uniforms. But what does she mean by Narlis? "Narlis?" asks Jaden. Suddenly, she starts laughing: "Poor boy, still in denial. I don't see wings; I don't see pointy ears and I certainly don't see any fins." she says mockingly. I get it, that's probably the name they give to ordinary people here. "Come on Levana, fuck her. We'll find our own way," Jaden says irritably. We turn around and want to walk away. "Wait, are you Levana?" the girl says suddenly. I turn around and look at her confused. "You have to go to the palace right away," she says intrudingly. "Good morning, Mrs. Elf. We have to go to the palace, good that you understand." says Jaden mockingly. She gives Jaden a deadly look and says "My name is Willow, I'm not welcome in the palace but if she sees that I helped you, maybe I can go in." Jaden looks at me confused. "Why is Levana so important?" asks Jaden to Willow. She looks at him questioningly, "That's not for me to tell," she says. "Sorry for how I behaved, I changed my mind and will show you the way. Follow me," Willow says. She starts walking towards the place of the stone giants. Me and Jaden pause for a moment and doubt whether we should follow her. "I don't trust her," Jaden whispers. "I also have my doubts, but we'd better follow her, after all, nothing is worse than turning to ashes." I tell him. Jaden looks at me understanding and we start walking behind her.

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