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I can't sleep, I stare at the ceiling and see that Jaden is sleeping effortlessly and carefree. I gently pull the tablecloth off me and try to make as little noise as possible. I walk towards the door. The sky is dark black but there is light shining through the windows. I open the door and see that the flowers and the grass are glowing. The soft colors of the flowers and grass have changed to shades of neon. It's beautiful and I'm staring in admiration. I sit down and think about my mother. What would she think now? Would she be worried? Would she have already called the police in the meantime or is time different here. What If only a few minutes had gone by in the real world. I hope that time will turn out differently. I don't want my mom to be worried, she doesn't deserve that. I never really thought about the fact that my mother was as sad as I was. She lost her best friend and husband at the same time. My parents were the reason I believed in love. They still loved each other dearly after 20 years. My father bought flowers every month and wrote a poem on them. My mother watched the science fiction movies that my father was obsessed with. Even though she found it terribly boring. She did it so he wouldn't sit alone on the couch. My dad did the same thing to her and her obsession with reality TV. I also think about the fact that I'm not tired. That's very strange because I've never had any problems sleeping. I always looked forward to crawling into my warm bed and falling asleep. To dream about the most unrealistic things. Dreams transport me to a world where everything is possible and nothing is seen as strange. I am now sure that this is not a dream. It's too realistic and Jaden is asleep, when he wakes up, he'll be disappointed that he's still here. I also wonder why the black cloud happens to be passing over the country today. Could it be that Jaden and I have scattered this land. We don't belong here and what if this is a reaction from nature. It can't be a coincidence that this is happening, the day Jaden and I ended up here. Where would the black cloud be now? What creatures are said to be fleeing at the moment. "Why don't you sleep?" I hear. I turn around and Jaden stands in front of me with a confused look. "I can't sleep," I tell him. He sighs and sits down next to me. "When I opened my eyes, I hoped I wouldn't be here anymore," Jaden said disappointedly. "When we get to the palace and this is resolved, would you want to leave?" I ask. I dont know how I would answer the question I asked him. "It's beautiful here and nature calms me down, but I want to go back as soon as possible," he said. I didn't expect anything else. This is not his thing at all. I'm the one who used to keep talking about imaginative countries. Now that I'm older, I realize that he was never really interested in that. He listened to me because he saw how much fun I had telling someone about my ideas. "When we get back, I promise I won't let you down," Jaden says, looking into my eyes. "That's not what I mean at all," I say. "It's normal to lose friendships, that's life. I dont even agree to what I had just said. Jaden stares at me and I have no idea what he's thinking at the moment. Maybe I said it too cruelly, which was not my intention. "I know that's life... but it wasn't just a friendship for me," says Jaden. He stands up, "You were the only person who always understood me. You saw me for who I was, inside. You were interested in me before I became popular for my looks. You believed in me when no one else did. You supported me from the beginning, before I was athletically. You were the only person who didn't say I wouldn't make it as an athlete in Florida." I'm speechless. I've never heard this from him. He said the same thing how I feel towards him. It wasn't just a friendship. He was my other half. I stand up and hug him. I keep my hands behind his back and he wraps one arm around my head and another around my shoulder. I missed him and I feel comfortable in his arms. I let go and say "We can walk on if you want, it's lit well enough to see the road." He nods and goes back into the house to find some things we can take with us. Suddenly, I feel the letter that was on the bed, in the pocket of my skirt. I take it out of my pocket and unfold it.

Dearest Malvolia

It is with pain in my heart that I write this letter. No words can express how much I love you. The Queen's message indicated that we had to leave our home immediately. I waited as long as I could. The seconds went by so slowly because every moment I hoped you would come through the door. Leave for the palace as soon as possible if you read this letter. Don't be afraid, we'll all be there. We are safe in the palace and nothing can happen to us there.

I love you

Love, mom

Jaden walks out and nods that we can leave. I quickly run into the house and leave the note in the same place. I hope Malvolia will come home and be reunited with her family.

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