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It's Wednesday today and that means I have to make the task with Jaden. I don't feel like it and I'm anxious because we haven't spoken to each other in a year and a half. It's a typical winter's day, very cold and I see frost everywhere on the streets. After I've finished my cereals, I reluctantly leave for school. On the way to school, my bag feels heavier due to the weight of my laptop. My neck is completely covered by a woolen, dark blue scarf. My school uniform is covered by a big black coat. I'm pretty happy with my uniform. We have black stockings with a checkered, dark blue skirt and a white shirt with a tie as a top. You can choose whether to put a blue sweater on top of the shirt. Today it's very cold so I'm wearing one. The sun has just risen.

The first lesson we have is physical education and we play dodgeball. I may be a loner, but I never have the problem of being picked last when picking teams. I often keep a low profile in class, but no one hates me. I'm not afraid to speak in front of the class, but I just don't feel the need to. During the game, I hear the girls talking about Jaden. Hes not in this class because he takes extra hours. I'm very competitive so it annoys me that they don't focus. The course is stopped again by an idiot who threw the ball against someone's head. In the meantime, I sit down on the couch.

After one hour of English and two hours of plastic education, the school day is finally over. Normally I'm happy that it ends, but today it could last forever. Jaden had asked me to wait at the gate at 12 noon. I've been waiting here for ten minutes and he's still not there, of course he's coming but he's busy saying goodbye to everyone he meets. At 12:20 p.m. he arrives and apologizes. "I'm starving; shall we go and eat something?" he suggests. I didn't really feel like it at all, but because I'm hungry I agree. On the way to Coffee and Co it was very quiet, but somehow it wasn't uncomfortable. When we arrive, we sit down and both order a sandwich with cheese and vegetables. He orders an ice tea and I order apple juice. "It's been a long time since we've done something together," Jaden says suddenly. "Yes, since my father's death" I say curtly. "Listen Levana, it's not my fault. You shut yourself off from everyone and I thought it was better if..." Before he can finish, I interrupt him and tell him I don't want to talk about this. He looks at me hopelessly and looks down. When our food is brought, we eat it in silence and he sometimes tries to make eye contact, but I stare at my plate. After half a sandwich I'm full and I ask him if he wants my sandwich. "Are you really not going to eat that? You can also take it with you for later," he says. It feels weird to be here with him, to hear his voice again. "No, you can eat it," I say, "you need it more than me with your sports career." He looks at me and I notice that he wants to say something, but he doesn't. "What's the matter?" I finally ask. "I took an admission test for university in Florida a few weeks ago," he enthuses. I can't believe it; this was his childhood dream. He wanted to study at the University of Florida because one of the best athletes in the country go there. I'm so happy for him and I forget for a moment that I'm mad at him and say with enthusiasm "What, oh my god that's fantastic. Did you pass?" He looks at me and a smile appears on his face, revealing his dimples. "Yes, I've been admitted and I can start next year," he says in disbelief.

On the way to the forest, we were quiet again and I realized that we hadn't spoken to each other for a year and a half. I realize that Jaden probably has a lot to say compared to me, nothing has changed in my life. I wasn't alive, I just existed. The sun had come out when we were in the sandwich shop. The sun is shining but it doesn't give off any heat. I still walk around with a thick scarf and mittens. I had forgotten that it was very wooded here. Jaden leads the way, pushing aside the branches and nettles with a stick.

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