"Are you always this feminine when hungover?" I ask sarcastically.

"Alcohol is known to bring out my true gay side, yes."

"So I've noticed." I laugh again and it feels good to do. Some of the worry from earlier is eased away.

"Besides you have no right to blame me. You left me, y'know. And speaking of allowing people to go home with one another, after you left I went home and slept with Jack!" I hiss in despair.

"You slept with Jack?" I can almost hear Sam's eyes popping out in surprise.

"Well not slept as in we had sex, at least not according to him, but we shared his bed the whole night."

"What do you mean according to him?"

"I mean as in I was so drunk I barely even remember last night." I tell him dreadfully and feel ashamed.

"Oh." Is all Sam has to answer and agree with a low mumble. "Well hey, you saw Joanna Parson's outfit right? Wasn't that the most awful godforsaken piece of clothing you'd ever seen?" Sam lightly changes the subject and we fall into a discussion about last night's events.



It's been two days since Sarah woke up in my bed, two whole days since I last got to hold her against my body. Before that it has been ages and I miss the feeling terribly. I wish things were like they used to between us, like they were at the party. Although we've never had a perfect relationship things have been more or less good between us. And then I fucked it up, and then Daniel fucked it up even more. I should break his arm for what he did, but I guess that'd be superficial of me. I really should break my own arm as well for everything I've done to Sarah. Even more than just that.

My phone starts buzzing inside my pocket. I fish it out and see that it's Duncan calling. "What's up?"

"Jack, could you be so kind and come over? I need to see you."

"Sure, has something happened?" I ask feeling a bit eerie.

"Just get here please." Duncan says and my feelings increase. What's with all the politeness?

I gather my wallet, the key to my bike and head to the garage. The car Sarah usually uses is still gone. She's been sleeping at her friend Sam's house ever since she woke up in my bed. I am fearing that something is going on between the two, even though Sarah has assured me numerous time that the guy is gay. Still I don't trust him and can't help but feel jealous every time Sarah shows him affection. For all I know it could all be an act from his side. A way to sweep her off her feet.

The saw troublesome thoughts that I've had the last 24 hours blurs my mind as I drive in much too high speed on the highway. It takes me about fifteen minutes to reach Duncan's place and soon enough I'm cutting the engine.

I take off my helmet and carry it under my arm. Once I'm inside I find Duncan behind the bar counter.
"Hey man." I greet him. Putting the helmet on top of the counter and take a seat on a bar stool.

"What's up?"

Duncan's eyes are serious when they meet mine and somewhat displeased.

A small frown creeps into my forehead. "Is something wrong?" I ask and the eerie feeling is back.

"Jack. I have something to say and I'm positively sure you won't like it, but I need you to hear me out." He says deadpan and my eyebrows shoot up.

"Let's hear it." I encourage him and Duncan breathes in a deep breath.

"Something has come up and I'm in need of some help. Not anyone can help me with this, but I know some who can. You are one of these persons, the other one is currently in the bathroom and will soon join us."

"Okay." I say slowly, stil

l not truly following. "What's the problem then?"

Duncan seems reluctant to continue, but do so nevertheless. "That other someone is..." He drags on, but suddenly look behind my back at someone and I turn to follow his gaze. In front of me Daniel stands with a challenging look on his face.

"You've got to be joking." I seethe, turning to Duncan once again.

"No one else can do the job but you two and I know for a fact that I can trust both of you."

"Trust? There's no way in hell you can trust that son of a bitch!" I yell, letting the anger get the best of me. I arise from my the stool and turn towards Daniel. He stares at me coldly and wears a carnal smile.

I note that his nose is wrapped up in band aid, probably a consequence from our last meeting.

"Jack-" Duncan starts warningly, but is cut off.

"I'm the untrustworthy one, am I? What about you breaking my fucking nose?" Daniel roars, his eyes filled with rage.

"You deserved it, asshole! You've ruined everything!"

"Me? You're the one who went and fell for the most boring, predictable bitch on the planet! All because of a stupid bet! I can believe you're such a pussy!"

"Don't you dare talk about Sarah like that." I threaten him, clenching my fists.

"Oh boo, are you going to cry over your little whore of a girlfriend?" Daniel mocks me, making baby noises. "Wait a minute, she's not even your girlfriend is she? She probably hates your guts, doesn't she?" He laughs and for a moment he seems almost psychotic.

"If you don't shut up, I'll break so much more than just your bloody nose." I hiss and narrow my eyes.

"I should really get revenge on you for doing that."

"I'd like to see you try. Last time beat you and I can easily do it again."

"Ah but that's the thing you see, I don't have to even get near you anymore. I can just do it from afar instead." Daniel says pleased, tapping his cheek with his index finger.

"What are you talking about?" I ask irritated.

"Well you see, I've done some investments since I last saw you and I'm dying to try it out." I remain silent but lift my eyebrows in question.

"I don't often let people get away with messing with me and you really messed with me. That's not okay, bro, and so I need revenge and I will get it." Daniel seems to be speaking more to himself now than to me. I glance at Duncan who has kept quiet and is observing us.

"Don't do anything you'll regret, Daniel." He warns and Daniel gives Duncan a condescending look.

"I never do." He tell Duncan and then bring out something from behind his back. It's heavy, made of metal and shines in the light.

A gun.

Daniel bought a gun.

And he's intending to shoot me.

"Daniel stop it. Put that away immediately." Duncan orders, using as much authority as possible
"Shut up! You don't get to tell me what to do!" Daniel screams and aims the gun at him momentarily. It's partly directed towards me since Duncan is standing behind me.

"Are you going to shoot me, Daniel? Is that it?" I ask calmly. I don't know how I sound so cool with my heart pounding hard in my chest.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do. You deserve it. You lying, cheating, deceiving bastard!"

"I break your nose and this is your revenge? Hiding behind a weapon?" I mock him, meeting his insane eyes.

"You must be the biggest fool I've ever met. Even now when I am pointing a gun at you, you have the audacity to taunt me!"

I snort. "You don't have the balls to shoot me." I challenge him, though I stand nailed to the ground.

"Don't I?" Daniel asks, raising the gun and pointing it more threateningly. "Don't I?"

"No, you don't."

"I'll fucking show you!" He growls and I can see how his body is shaking in anger.

"Please do, because there's no way in hell-" I don't get to finish that sentence before the trigger is pushed and I am hit by a bullet.

The last thing I hear is Duncan calling my name and then everything turns dark.

Our Little SecretTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon