TOW The Cruise pt.1

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Joey has won two tickets for a cruise and decides to invite Chandler. But on the ship, stuff goes down

I was sitting at the computer, inputting some data I was too lazy to do at work, when Joey burst through the door.

"Guess what!" He had a huge grin across his face.


"No, you have to guess!"

"Hmmmm... you got a new part?" Joey shook his head.

"Ummmm... aliens have taken over the world?"

He gave me a dismayed look. "Why on Earth would I be so excited over that?" I just shrugged.

"Fine, you don't get to guess anymore. I won two tickets on a luxury cruise from a radio contest!" He pulled two tickets out of his pocket to prove the validity of his statement.

"Congratulations!" I gave him a thumbs up.

"Yeah, and I was wondering if you wanted to be my plus one!"

I took a minute to mock contemplate this. "Well, it is a noble title..."

Joey stuck out his bottom lip. "Please, Chandler. It'll be so much fun. The ship has pools, a spa, a zip line, and 24 hour room service!" The last part made Joey's face light up.

I let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine you talked me into it." Joey threw his fist in the air.

"Yes, I knew you would say yes." I sighed again, inwardly, this one not sarcastic at all. I loved making Joey happy, if only to see his smile. I pushed that thought away. I've been doing that alot lately. Pushing thoughts away.

"The cruise sets sail Friday at two o'clock. Start packing!" He went to his room and I could hear hangers being slid apart and drawers opened. A cruise sounds like a whole lot of fun, and I can finally use those vacation days. I pulled out my phone and called my office to alert them I would be taking a hiatus. I hung up and went to my room to pack.

That Friday, me and Joey had our suitcases in hand and were saying our goodbyes to everyone on the dock. Joey was wearing a ridiculously blue hawaiian shirt.

"I'm just in the vacation spirit, Chandler," he had told me earlier that morning. I decided not to push the point. It made him happy so, of course, I had to allow it.

"I can't believe you guys will be gone for two whole weeks." Ross reached out for a hug from us.

"I can't believe Joey didn't invite me." Phoebe pouted with her arms crossed over her chest.

"But if I had invited you, we probably would have just ended up having sex for the entire vacation and not done anything."

"I guess." She let a small smile creep over her pursed lips and hugged us and gave us a kiss on the cheek. "Still, I'm gonna miss you two."

"Yeah, how will you ever survive without us," I cracked. Rachel rolled her eyes.

"I think we'll manage." After the hugs and the goodbyes, we boarded the plank and went to the top deck to wave them off. After maybe ten minutes the ship left the harbor and began drifting lazily on the water. Joey and I waited five minutes for land to leave our sight. We picked up our luggage and headed off to our cabin. I walked in and froze.

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