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A/N: Joey and Chandler are married with two kids from a surrogate mother. One night, Chandler realizes he may have been neglecting his husband.

I get home from another long day of work, it's nearly eight o'clock. I walk into the house and it's quiet. I take my coat off and drop my heavy briefcase at the door.

I walk into the kitchen and look in the fridge to find the leftovers from dinner.

I hear footsteps walking down the stairs.

My husband, Joey, walks into the kitchen.

"Hey babe," he says softly.

"Hey hun," I respond and accept his peck on the lips. "The kids asleep?"

"Yeah, just put them down," he answers.

He grabs a beer from the fridge as I take out some of the leftovers to make myself a plate.

"You still hungry?" I ask as he's moving past me, to get out of my way.

"I can always eat more," he replies and I grab a second plate for him.

I put one of the dishes in the microwave and lean against the counter as I wait for the food to head up. I watch Joey sit at the table with his beer. He opens a magazine and starts looking through it.

See, I've been promoted twice at my job. Which of course is great, but recently there was a merger, another company bought my company. So, now we are merging with the new company and I have a new boss, new responsibilities and new pressure at work. It's the reason I'm getting home later and later everyday. I'm exhausted and I'm lucky Joey can stay home and basically be a stay at home dad. I'm lucky to have him, truly, he is so great with our kids. We have two, a boy and girl, twins from a surrogate mother. Joey's an actor, but since my job has been keeping us more than stable, he's rarely goes on auditions these days. I think he prefers being home with the kids, I always tell him if he gets a job we'll get sitters or our friends to help, but he's content being home and I'm happy about it too.

The microwave dings and I grab the plate and hand it to Joey. He thanks me and I go back to heat up mine. When my food finishes I sit down at the table with him and I grab a magazine as well. I open a page and there's an article about keeping the spark alive in a marriage. I hate admitting this, but I actually feel a need to read it. The truth is, there's barely a spark anymore and that's solely thanks to me. I honestly didn't think I would ever get to the point where I stopped having sex with my husband, but we're here. Our sex life started slacking, understandably, the day we brought our beautiful babies home, but it was still in existence. Sex kept becoming less and less frequent especially as I worked more. It was down to once a month for a while, but now it's been two months straight, the longest we've ever gone. I didn't mean for it to get this long, I just work so late and when I'm home I'm either too tired or I'm trying to spend as much time with our children as possible.

When I'm suddenly reminded of our non-existent sex life thanks to this clique article I'm reading, I suddenly start to worry. I'm realizing this is also the longest Joey has ever stopped trying. That was the thing, even when sex was becoming a rare occurrence, Joey never stopped trying... because he's Joey. And regardless, it's understandable for any husband to be asking for sex, but these last two months, not a word from him. I guess I didn't realize because I was always making excuses anyhow. I've officially become the tired wife who is never in the mood.

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