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This takes place during season 4 in TOW Chandler in a Box.


Ross: Joey, the guy's your best friend.

Joey: No, was my best friend. Anyway, I don't know why you're pushin' for him so hard. With him outta the way as my best friend, there's a spot open.

Ross: Who me?

Joey: Yeah!

Ross: Wow, I'm honored. Y'know what I'm gonna do as my first act as your new best friend?

Joey: What?

Ross: I'm gonna get you to talk to Chandler.

Joey: Alright, but if you weren't my best friend…

Later that day, Joey went downstairs to Central Perk to talk to Chandler, just as his new best friend Ross had asked. A part of Joey was glad he was going to do this. He and Chandler would talk things out and they'd be friends again. Though, he was still a mad at Chandler for what he did, but he still wanted to be friends with him, if not anything more.

Joey walked into the coffee shop and looked to see if his former best friend was sitting on the orange couch, but he wasn't there. It was occupied by other people. He then quickly glanced around the room in front of him. Nope, still no Chandler.

Instead of calling out Chandler's name, Joey went up to Gunther to ask where he was, not knowing that the person he was looking for was right behind him, on the other side of the coffee shop.

"Hey, Gunther," Joey began. "Have you, uh- have you seen Chandler?"

"I thought you were Chandler?" Gunther asked in confusion. "But, um, one of you's over there," he pointed out.

Joey turned around to see Kathy and Chandler kissing. Anger started to boil in him, but soon, that anger turned to hurt. It hurt him so much to see them together.

"Oh," Kathy let out at seeing Joey.

"Hey, Joe," Chandler guiltily greeted.

Joey felt that anger return and responded with a curse in Italian and left. He headed up back to their apartment to pack, so he could stay someplace else. He'd probably have to stay at his parents' place, because if he stayed with one of the other friends', they'd probably try to make him talk to Chandler again. He just couldn't be around Chandler right now. Not when it hurt so much.

When Chandler finally reached the apartment, he opened the door and walked in. "Hey, I'm sorry, That-where're you going?"

Joey avoided looking at him and began to button up his jacket. "My folks."

Chandler started to worry and asked Joey when he'd be back, but Joey told him that he didn't know and also revealed how he was going to look for a new apartment. Chandler couldn't believe what he'd just heard.

"Yeah, y'know uh, at first I thought we could talk about this, y'know, work it out, but uh, seeing you two together, I don't-" He shook his head. Just thinking about Kathy and Chandler together made him feel a pang of heartache.

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