Caput Quinque: Locus Duodecim

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Walking into Hogwarts for the first time since the war was nothing like what Harry had expected.

His stomach still twisted at the memories that flooded his brain, but the castle itself looked nothing like the warzone Harry remembered it as.

It was as if nothing ever happened there at all, and Harry wasn't sure if that was better, or worse.

Most of the first half of dinner was typical. The first years were sorted into their respective houses as normal, but there were a lot more whispers and glances his way than Harry was used to, which said a lot given how used to gossip he was. Once the sorting was over, McGonagall once again took the stand to speak.

"Good evening, students. I'd like to welcome you all to your first, or another, year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As you all are most likely aware of, the past year has been hard on all of us here. But none have been affected more than our returning 8th years, so I ask that you all please show your respect for these students. Many of them have lost their friends, their families. There are no words to describe what they've been through. However, they still chose to come back to finish their learning at this school, and for that, I commend them.

Anyone who has been at this school before may have noticed the newly erected tower on the West side of the building. This tower is for our returning 8th year students, and is therefore off limits to any students in lower grades. The dorms in this tower each hold two students, and once you arrive there the dorms will be assigned. They are no longer separated by houses, though in terms of House Points and Quidditch, you will all still be in the same houses you were sorted into in your first year here.

As for the rest of our students, as usual the Forbidden Forest is off limits, and a curfew of 10:00pm is in place. Anyone caught outside of their dorms after this time will be given detention, and have 20 points taken from their respective House. Is everything clear?"

A resounding "Yes, Headmistress" echoed throughout the Great Hall, with a few groans coming from some students.

"Alright, then that's settled. I hope everyone has a wonderful year back at Hogwarts. Everyone may now follow their House Head to their respective Houses. 8th years, follow me." She turned and walked off the stage to the door on the west side of the Hall, and beckoned for the 8th years to follow.

Harry stood up and walked over to McGonagall along with the rest of the 8th Years, and they followed her to the aforementioned West Tower. As they entered, they were met with a common room featuring muted versions of all of the house colors, which shockingly complimented each other quite well. There were three sofas surrounding a table in front of a large fireplace, multiple tables set for playing Wizard's Chess and Exploding Snaps, banners featuring the Hogwarts crest on each wall, and fairy lights lining the ceiling.

"Alright students," McGonagall clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "The assigning of dorms will be done using the Sorting Hat. There are slips of paper in the hat bearing the numbers of the dorm rooms, two for each room. You'll be drawing a slip of paper, and rooming with whoever matches."

Ron went up first, clearly eager to get this over with, and drew a slip of paper. Hermione followed, and walked back over to where Ron was standing. Her face fell, and Harry immediately knew they hadn't gotten the same room. Harry hung back, until Ron pushed him forward a bit.

"Try and get the same room as me," he whispered, flashing him the slip of paper bearing the number 6. Harry walked forward and attempted to peek inside the hat as he pulled his slip. Nothing but darkness, but he could feel the paper inside the hat. Clearly McGonagall had prepared for this, and made sure no one could see what room they were getting. He pulled out his slip of paper, which read the number 12. He sighed and walked over to Ron.

"I got 12," he said, showing him the paper. Ron sighed.

"We tried, I guess," he said with a half smile, and Harry gave a half-hearted chuckle.

Malfoy, Harry noticed, was one of the last ones to walk up to the hat.

"Surprised he wasn't the first, used to always want to be the center of attention, that git," Ron whispered.

"Yeah," Harry said, not paying much attention to Ron, as Malfoy had just drawn his slip of paper and gave Harry a wide eyed look before clearing his throat and returning to his spot.

"Wonder what that was about?" Harry mused, but Ron didn't seem to be paying attention, as he was whispering to Hermione about something Harry couldn't be bothered to listen to.

"It seems as if everyone's sorted," McGonagall gave a small smile at her pun, before speaking again. "Everyone may now go to their rooms to unpack and become acquainted with their new dormmates, and remember to play nice, you'll be in these rooms together for the remainder of the year."

McGonagall exited the room, and Harry turned to Ron and Hermione.

"Suppose I'll see you both later, don't forget to tell me who you end up stuck with."

"We will, we'll see you later Harry," Hermione replied, and gave Harry a small hug.

Harry smiled and walked off towards Room 12.

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