Caput Duo: Epistula

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peck, peck

"Hedwig, shush, 'm trying to sleep."


peck, peck, peck

"Mmm, what is it, Hedwig?


Harry jumped up out of bed, having been ever so rudely brought out of his dream, one of the few good ones he'd had in the past four months. Of course, when he looked up at the windowsill, it wasn't Hedwig he saw sitting there. It was instead... what? A Hogwarts owl? That couldn't be...

And yet, it was. Perched politely by his window was a well groomed barn owl, clutching tightly in its beak a letter bearing the Hogwarts seal. Harry opened the window and looked at the owl inquisitively, as if it could explain to him why he was getting a letter from his former school all of a sudden. The owl tilted its head, as if to say "I don't know, just take the damn thing."

Harry obliged, and the owl flew away, leaving Harry with only the letter and his rambling thoughts. And so, he opened it.

Harry Potter

You have been requested to return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to repeat your seventh year. We fear your learning at this school is not yet finished.

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall

Harry read it once. Then twice, then thrice. And then he felt his stomach drop as every horrific memory flooded back into his brain. It wasn't as if they'd been gone completely, but he'd been essentially forced to stave them off for the time since it all took place, lest he lose his mind. This time, though, he didn't have a choice. He swallowed hard, and stuffed the letter into his pocket, not even bothering to change out of his pyjamas before leaving his bedroom.

He walked down the stairs tentatively, trying not to alert Kreacher to the fact that he had left his room for the first time in days. He made his way through the hallways, hearing the portraits arguing amongst themselves underneath the cloths they'd been covered with. Finally he reached the large fireplace in the middle of the living area, took a deep breath, and stepped inside.

"The Burrow!"

A flash of green smoke, and he was gone.

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