Chapter 8: Alvin: Back-Up Plan

Start from the beginning

There were a few issues with my plan though, even though it was so genius. For one, once it was over, Simon would never believe she was taken over by an alien, and neither would Dave. My solution for that was risky at best. I needed to tell Brittany to meet up with Dave after she gets home from the hospital.. Then, once everyone had gone to sleep, she had to tell him that she had a secret crush on me, but that she was too afraid to say anything. Then, if she continually called him until I pretended to catch the body snatcher, I could make it appear like she was talking with Dave because he was a body snatcher too. Simon obviously wouldn't believe it, but he would figure out that she liked me, and then it would appear like I ruined everything and rejected her after I told her I thought she was an alien. The only problem with my genius plan was trying to contact Brittany to tell her about it. I had to make sure both of us were alone when I called, and I had to do it before I got Simon to put the cameras up. One of the most difficult parts of the plan relied on my manipulative skills to get Simon to put up the cameras. Even though I had the whole thing planned out, I had to start at the beginning; I had to get the Chipettes on board.

"If we get Simon on our team, we can get him to set up cameras all around and watch all of her movements. I bet he's probably developed gadgets that can remove an alien from someone's body already!"

"There's only one problem with getting Simon to help, Alvin. He will never believe it!"

"Yeah, Alvin, I was talking with Simon on the phone earlier today, and he definitely thought body snatchers were impossible."

"Okay, so it may be a little tough, but it is our only chance to save her, and maybe our only chance to save Dave."

It really wasn't very far to walk from the hospital to our house, we were almost back in just two minutes.

"Believe me girls, I've got this. I know this is a really tough time for all of us, but if you could just trust me to get Simon to help us out here, I'm sure I can do it. Somehow, I can always find a way to rope Simon into my plans."

"That is true... I think Ellie and I are going to head back to the treehouse and do some research. Maybe we can come up with a better plan. We're counting on you to get Simon on our side, Alvin, whether we want to admit it or not."

"Don't worry, I've got this."

We had made it back to the house, so I bolted inside, went straight into Dave's office, and called Brittany.


("Hey Britt, is Dave in the room?")

I said it with a tone that implied I wanted to talk to her alone.

("Luckily, no he left to use the restroom a couple of minutes ago so say whatever it is quickly.")

I was pretty lucky that he wasn't there. When I called, I was sure that I would end up having a conversation with Dave instead. That being said, I had no clue when Dave would be back, so I had to fill her in on the plan quickly.

("Alright Britt, this is hard to explain, but I need you do keep acting like a body snatcher until tonight, which by the way, you are doing great at, but then, after everyone goes to bed, I need you to sneak into Dave's bedroom, and tell him that you have a secret crush—")

("Alvin! Why would I do that! Doesn't that defeat the whole point?")

("Long story short, it is the only way both him and Simon will believe at the end of all this that we don't like each other. I'm having Simon set up cameras to watch your moves, so you won't have a free minute for two days, always keep up the act. On Wednesday night, I will call you. You need to pick up and come over to my house, where I will then announce that I think you are a body snatcher, then, you've gotta half play along, and half act hurt, because we are trying to fool two groups of people here.")

("Okay... I think I get it... but why Wednesday, I thought we said Monday.")

("Just trust me on this one. Also, after you have your talk with Dave, could you repeatedly call him over the weekend and through Wednesday for more advice? This will show Simon and Theodore that he has been taken over by a body snatcher.")

("Wait, I thought—Oh, Alvin! Here comes Dave, I'll—I'll try my best Alvin.")

("You're doing great! I can't wait for all of this to be over so we can just—")

"Dave... *cough cough*. Alvin says he needs to talk to you."

"Why didn't he just call me?"

"I... I don't know, he asked me a bunch of weird questions."

("Alvin, what are you doing?")

("DAVE! She's been taken over by an alien! She keeps groaning and—")

("SHE IS SICK ALVIN! I'm hanging up, and you better not call back or you're grounded!")

("Grounded? But—")

He hung up. Other than almost getting grounded, the call didn't turn out too bad. I ended up getting really lucky that Dave wasn't in the room to begin with, otherwise I would have needed to find another time to call her. I was bummed that we didn't have more time to talk though. The plan might not work out so well since she doesn't know every detail. I wish I could have told her more about how good she was doing at the acting too, because she really was taking it to the next level. After talking with Brittany, it was time to move on to the next part, arguably the hardest of the whole plan: convincing Simon. I began to run upstairs while yelling for him.

"Simon! Simon! We have to help Dave! He could be in trouble!"

"What! Where is he! Is he hurt?"

"I don't know, maybe! He's at the hospital!"

"The hospital! Hurry, we've got to get there quick!"

"Yeah! He's all alone with Brittany! She might try to launch an attack to take over his body, or even call for alien reinforcements, or—"

"Wait a second, Alvin. You mean he's not hurt? He's just there with Brittany?"

"He probably is hurt! Who knows what she's done to him!"

"Alvin! You can't keep this up anymore! I actually thought something was wrong, and next time he actually needs something I might not believe you."

"Something IS wrong!"

"No! Everything is just fine! Body snatchers do not exist, and—"

"You keep saying that but you don't have any reasons why!"

"I don't need a reason! It is highly unlikely that any alien life form would invade a human without having a whole army with it!"

"Prove it!"

"Fine! I'm done talking about this nonsense, I'll prove it by tomorrow."

"Well then, how about we set up some cameras here, and in the girls' treehouse, to see what is really going on. Then we can see that she actually HAS been taken over by a body snatcher!"

"That's a perfect way to solve this Alvin! Finally after tomorrow I will never hear about another body snatcher again"

"Let's do this! I can't wait to prove you wrong!"

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