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It has been a week after that incident and the kiss because of it I couldn't sleep for nights I could still feel the feeling of his lips on mine and suck th- ahem!! stop thinking this unholy sh** Y/N you have to go to school get a grip!!!

Jackson:" Y/n come down fast or you will be late!!" shouting from dining table 

Y/N:" Coming oppa!!" she shouted back

Then I took my bag and went downstairs after tying my hair in a low ponytail 

Y/N:" Good morning oppa"

Jackson:" Good morning cupcake~~ have you completed your English project?"

Y/n:" Yup all done and I bet I'm gonna get an A in it," I said while smiling proudly

Jackson:" Good job," he said patting her hair" Well there is something I want to tell you"

I stopped eating my cereal and looked at him

Y/n:" What is it oppa?"

Jackson:" Well there is a party tomorrow evening and all businessmen and women around the country are attending and even other members will be also there so I also want you to come there"  

well it's been a long time since I went to a party and have time I would get to meet other oppas and it would make oppa happy so why not 

Y/N:" hmm okie also I have time before our festival preparation so I can come,"  I said smiling 

Jackson:" Nice then but at the party don't go anywhere asking me okay?"

Y/N:" okie but what the party is about?"

Jackson:" Actually umm you know Jin-young uncle(JYP) is throwing a party on his successful deal he got so yeah um I think you should also come"

Y/N:" okie buttt~~~ can I go shopping after school to buy dresses for the party?"

Jackson:" yah you already have a whole closet for party dresses how much more do you want?!" he said while being shook

Y/N:" but they are old and the party is soooo grand I would need new clothes sooooo pleaseeee oppa," I said while showing my famous ✨puppy eyes✨

Jackson:" Aish oh my these sparkling eyes ok ok you can go but take Jack with you" he said while dramatically protecting his eyes from my sparkling eyes

Y/N:" yay!!! thank you!!!" I hugged him excited

Jackson:" ok ok now get off me or you will break my bones"

After he said that line I hugged him more tightly making him feel the pain

Jackson:" Oww yah you young lady show some mercy to me it's hurting!!!

Y/N:" First say that my hugs are good then I will leave you"

Jackson:" yea yea they are good" Then I hugged him more tightly "YAH YOU oh my princess Y/N hugs are sooo good I feel so peaceful woahh"

Y/N:" hmm good now let's go or I'll late"

(TIME SKIP~~~~~)


Twisted Road // A Yang Jeongin ffWhere stories live. Discover now