Chapter 8

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Harlow's P.O.V.

I was walking down the alleyway with Vanessa, we were having our usual Saturday "girls day" when a bunch of guys in black outfits rushed towards us and grabbed me. "Hey! Let her go!" Vanessa screamed at them as she tried to grab me "no, stop! Go get my dad and tell him that they've got my, that Hydra has me" I told her, when she didn't move I sighed "go! Now!" I shouted, which thankfully got her moving.

"No, no!" I shouted and tried to get away from them as they put a needle into the side of my neck, quickly realizing that it was a drug that was meant to knock me out for a while. I tried to fight it, but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't do it, I fell asleep.

Never in my life did I think that I would be waking up in this hell hole again, yet here I am, in this hell hole, again. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, nothing has changed in the 10 years since I've been here.

Vanessa's P.O.V.

I rushed into Harlow and Steve's apartment and saw him sitting on the couch with someone I didn't beside him. "Vanessa? What's wrong?Where's Harlow?" He asked as he stood up once he saw my panicked look "she was taken" I took a deep breath "they were all in black" I took another deep breath "she said they were Hydra" I finished, I put my hands on my knees as I continued to try and catch my breath. "What? How did this happen?" He asked quickly as he came over with a glass of water, I put my finger up as I drank my water, telling him I needed a second. "I don't know. We were walking down town, through an ally way to take a short cut we've taken multiple times, and then a bunch of guys came out of nowhere and took her. She told me that I needed to come get you, that you'd know what to do" I told him once I finished my water and brought it over to the counter. "Ok, thank you for letting me know Vanessa, feel free to stay here. Sam, lets go" he said as he grabbed his shield and left the apartment with Sam.

I can't believe that my best friend had just been kidnapped in front of me like that and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I went to her room and sat down on the edge of her bed and just looked around at everything.

Steve's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the living room with Sam watching baseball when Harlow's best friend Vanessa ran into the apartment with a scared and panicked look on her face. "Vanessa? What's wrong? Where's Harlow?" I asked as I quickly got up to grab her a glass of water, as I was getting her the water she started telling me what happened. "She was taken" she took a deep breath "they were all in black" she took another breath "she said they were Hydra" she finished saying, she put her hands on her knees as she continued to try and catch her breath. "What? How did this happen?" I asked as I came over with a glass of water, she put her finger up as she drank the water, telling me she needed a second. "I don't know, we were walking down town, through an ally way to take a short cut we've taken multiple times, and then a bunch of guys came out of nowhere and took her. She told me that I needed to come get you, that you'd know what to do" she told me once she finished her water and brought it over to the counter. "Ok, thank you for letting me know Vanessa, feel free to stay here. Sam, lets go" I said as I grabbed the shield and left the apartment with Sam.

"Nat, she was taken" I said as Natasha picked up the phone "what? Who was taken Steve?" She asked confused "Harlow. Hydra took her" I explained "what? How?" She asked, panic finally showing up in her voice now "her and Vanessa were walking and they took one of their normal short cuts, they got her there" I stressed. "Ok, I need you to try and stay calm" she started saying "how the hell can I stay calm when my daughter has just been kidnapped Nat?" I interrupted her "Steve, nothing good is going to come out of this if you don't calm down a little bit. We will find her, I promise" she stated before she continued to explain what we were going to do.

Harlow's P.O.V.

"Get up" one of the guards said as he opened to door to my cell "no" I said, not getting up from my spot on the make shift bed. "I said get up!" he shouted as he grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up and pulled me out of the cell. "Let me go you sick bastard!" I shouted as I tried to get out of his grasp without pulling all of my hair out "shut up" he said as he threw me on the floor.

"Come on man, just work with me here" I say as I spit out some blood that was now filling into my mouth after the agent punched me in the face. The last 3 days have been absolute hell for me, they've been trying to get me to break and have beaten me up quite a bit. Because of the beatings, I currently have a black eye, broken rib, a bloody nose and a cut inside my mouth from my tooth cutting through my lip. "Get back up" he stated as he watched me laying on the floor "no thanks, I'm good" I sighed as I didn't move from my spot "I said get back up" he said angrily as he leant down and pulled me up by my hair again "oh come on!" I shouted out in pain. "Stop!" I heard another agent say as he pointed his gun towards me "you're not going to shoot me" I stated "and what makes you think I wont?" He asked in a cocky tone "because, you need me. If anything were to happen to me you'd both be screwed" I chuckled weakly "and you think thats going to change anything? We could still use you even if you're dead" he told me as he came closer and put the gun against my head and pulled the barrel back, putting a bullet into the chamber. "Ok, if you're going to kill me please do it fast, I don't want to stress about how long you're taking" I said as I closed my eyes.

"Yeah, I wouldn't do that if I were you" I hard someone say, I quickly opened my eyes and looked over the agents shoulder to see a dark figure standing in the doorway. "And why not?" Both of the agents ask "because nobody hurts my Doll" the figure moved closer, revealing Bucky. "Yes!" I shouted in excitement, I was finally getting out of here. The agent that was holding threw me to the ground yet again and started trying to fight Bucky and sadly lost.

"Bucky?" I asked as he ran up to me "what are you doing here?" I asked as he grabbed my shoulders "we don't have time for that, we need to get out of here" he said as he started pulling me towards the exit.

As Bucky and I were making our way out of the building more and more hydra agents started chasing after us. "Harlow, go, I'll catch up with you" he shouted as he was fighting off some of the agents. I nodded my head and started running as fast as I could.

"Bucky?!" I yelled as I finally came to a stop somewhere in the woods. As I started looking around trying to figure out where I was I heard some foot steps running up behind me "no! No! Get off!" I yelled and tried to fight the person off as I felt them pull me into their chest "it's ok, it's ok. I've got you Doll, I've got you" I heard Bucky say gently as he held me tight and rubbed my back gently. "Bucky" I whispered as I pulled away from the hug "I've got you Doll" he whispered back, putting his hands on my cheeks. "I thought I lost you forever" I said, my sobs coming back full force "you'll never lose me" he whispers into my ear as he pulled me back in for another hug "I promise" he added as heave me a tight squeeze.

"Harlow!?" I heard dad's voice yell from somewhere in the woods "dad?!" I yelled back, hoping that he could hear me "Harlow? Where are you?!" I heard his voice yell back, his voice getting closer to us "over hear, near the large tree!" I shouted. A few seconds later I saw him run out from behind one of the trees "dad!" I yelled as I ran towards him "Harlow" he smiled as he pulled me into his arms. "What took you guys so long?" I joked before dad took my face into his hands. "What happened?" He asked in a panicked tone "nothing I couldn't handle" I smiled lightly.

"Bucky?" Dad asked as he looked behind me "hey Steve" Bucky said with a small smile. Dad looked over at me with a worried look "it's ok, he's fine, he helped me get out of there" I told him, he made his way over to him and pulled him into a tight hug "I've missed you man" I heard dad whisper "I missed you too, punk" Bucky said as he pulled away from the hug.

"Alright kid, let's get you cleaned up" mom said as she sat down beside me on the quinjet. "Ok" I smiled lightly as she started cleaning all of my wounds and all of the blood off my face. "Now lets make sure that this situation never happens again, I don't think I could deal with your dad again" mom lightly joked "oh definitely, I'll make sure I wont get kidnapped again" I chuckled as we both looked over at him as he was sitting in the drivers seat.

As much as I wanted Bucky to come with us, he decided to stay in Russia. I have no idea why he wanted to, but I didn't fight him on it, that's one hill I don't want to die on.

The last 3 days were the worst of my life, I couldn't be happier that I was finally back with my crazy, dysfunctional family.

(A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to like and comment telling me what you think)

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