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Rachesia Isolde Ilagan is a twenty-seven-year-old HR coordinator at a company in the Philippines. Always busy with work, she never had time for romance. However, witnessing her friends and high school classmates settling down and starting families makes her think if love will ever find her.

On one peaceful night, her mother drops an eye-opener for her: Rylan Jett Del Rio, a childhood friend and a twenty-nine-year-old cardiologist, is on the hunt for a wife. Feeling the pressure of time ticking away, Rylan is ready to skip the mushy stuff and dive straight into marriage.

And as a consistent Mama's girl, Rachesia reluctantly agrees to reconnect with her long-lost friend, hoping to add some color to her boring and uncolored life. Together, they will fulfill the expectations and duties of what a married couple should do.

Will their hastily arranged marriage be a recipe for disaster or a surprising success?



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