𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 17

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The initial bite is met with a gasp, my hand gripping the bedsheet. Sunghoon drinks, and for a moment, the world narrows down to the connection between us. I feel the pull of his need, the exchange of life force that transcends the physical.

Jay's voice breaks through the intensity, "Sunghoon, enough."

The grip on my wrist tightens, the sensation bordering on discomfort, and I sense Jay's concern. Sunghoon, in his weakened state, struggles with control, but with Jay's intervention, the moment is reined in.

As Sunghoon withdraws, there's a lingering warmth in the bite mark, a curious mixture of pain and a strange connection. I catch Jay's eyes, his expression a blend of relief and caution.

"Steady yourself, Y/N," Jay advises, helping me sit back. I touch the fresh wound, feeling the slow throb beneath my fingertips.

Sunghoon's gaze fixes on me. "Thank you, my Lady" he murmurs, his voice hoarse but sincere.

"You're welcome," I reply, a small smile playing on my lips. "I'm just glad you're okay."

Days pass, and Jay supervises each session where Sunghoon needs to bite me to feed on my blood for his recovery. The first few times are nerve-wracking, with Jay standing by, ensuring things don't spiral out of control. Sunghoon, weakened by illness, seems to struggle with control as he takes in my blood. The sensation is intense, a mix of pain and a strange connection that transcends the physical.

"Easy, Sunghoon," Jay instructs, his tone firm but understanding. "You need her blood to heal, but don't go too far."

Sunghoon's grip tightens, and for a moment, it feels like he might lose control. My heart races, but then he stops, a look of self-restraint flashing in his eyes. Jay lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

As the days go by, the routine becomes a shared experience. Sunghoon's condition gradually improves, and the initial awkwardness fades into a strange intimacy. Jay, who initially supervised every session, begins to trust Sunghoon's restraint and doesn't supervise often.

In those moments, as Sunghoon takes my blood, our eyes lock, and it's as if a silent conversation unfolds.


One day, as Sunghoon withdraws, and looks at me with gratitude. "Thank you, Y/N. I don't know how to repay you for this."

I smile, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. "You don't have to. I want to help you get better."

As the days turn into nights, and my blood becomes a lifeline for Sunghoon, a bond forms between us—one that transcends the supernatural. We share stories, laughter, and even the quieter moments where words aren't necessary. Sunghoon's guarded exterior begins to crumble, revealing a vulnerability that draws me in. 

I find myself immersed in a routine of caring for Sunghoon. The palace becomes a sanctuary of shared moments and whispered conversations. I bring him nourishing meals, sit by his side during the quiet hours, and offer words of encouragement to lift his spirits.


One evening, after another session, Sunghoon looks at me with a softness in his eyes. "You're risking so much for me. Why?"

I meet his gaze, my heart echoing with a newfound connection. "Because you're worth it, Sunghoon."

His eyes hold a mix of gratitude and remorse. "I'm sorry, my Lady. For everything."

I reach for his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "No need to apologize. We all have our struggles, and I'm here to help you overcome yours."

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