Honey Wretched

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Jamie hated the clinic. He hated the pink walls, the loud ventilation system, the gross bleach sanitizer smell that covered every surface, and he hated that he was in the depth of his heat and sitting in the hard plastic chairs while Keeley filled out his paperwork and Roy got the nurses to fill out his papers for Richmond. He hated how he couldn't help but rock back and forth with the plug pressed up against his insides. And worst of all he hated how calm he felt with Keeley on one side of him and Roy on his other.

He knew this wasn't how his next heat would be, but he couldn't help but savor the calm, the warm safe feeling in his chest, the way his head was nice and quiet. He didn't need to worry about anything. Keeley was there to make sure everyone knew what Jamie needed, what scared him, to keep him comfy. Roy was there to keep him safe and warm, make sure no one hurt him or made him upset. He just followed the one soft hand that rubbed up and down his back, that carefully undressed him and put his ankles up in the stirrups, and the rough hands that held his own and scented along his neck and wrist, clouding him in a calm thunderstorm scent.

He barely  noticed when they were already leaving. He heard words but it didn't really matter to him. He was in the back of Roy's car before he realized he was just at the doctors office, confused because when was he doctored on? He looked at Keeley who was in the passenger seat in front of him and he looked around the headrest in front of his face to see Roy driving.

"Mommy? What happened to the doctor?" He asked as he looked at her. She was pretty in her fluffy jacket and hair loose around her shoulders. She turned to him with a confused look on her face, eyebrows brought together.

"You were just at the doctors, Jay. Remember? He said you needed to have taken a heat months ago but you waited till the off season. We're taking you back to your nest, babe, so you can get nice and cozy in your bed. We'll make sure you have plenty of snacks and some candy and drinks. And I'm gonna clean your toys before you use them, just in case. That sounds nice, yeah?" Keeley explained and Jamie just nodded. He didn't remember. He didn't really wanna be home alone. He wanted to be sleepy and warm in Daddy's den, surrounded by cuddles and Keeley's yummy smelling body spray. But it was fine. He spent all his other heats alone. 

"Kay" Is all he managed and looked out the window, hands rubbing across his belly absently. He wished he could be all soft and nice like the omegas on TV, the ones that got the alpha, got to be treasured, got to be cuddled all the time. He just wished he had that. Maybe if he was a little shorter, he could probably work some of his muscle mass away and gain some weight. But there wasn't any way to be smaller, to get rid of his shoulders or make himself shorter. He would never be that picture perfect omega.

Suddenly the car was pulled over and stopped, his door popping open. Roy was there, looking at him, hands pulling his body into a hug.

"Don't cry Jamie. You did such a good job at the doctor's, you're such a good omega. You always put the club first, my best player. You just need to have your heat, enjoy all the snacks and treats you want. We'll make sure you're alright, puppy." Roy comforted and pet up and down Jamie's back, unclipping the seatbelt and pulling the strap away from the omega. Jamie just sniffled and nodded. Even if he wasn't a nice looking omega, at least he was a good footballer.

"Yeah, baby, you did super good. Now come on, let's get you inside." Keeley said and took Jamie's arm, guiding him into his own house. He didn't remember giving her his keys. Or the last time he saw his keys. But she had them and quickly unlocked his door, easily walking to his bedroom.

"Where'd you nest up? Show mommy your nest." Keeley said when Jamie just stood in the doorway. His bed was done up, grey floors clean, laundry basket empty in the corner. She didn't know where he nested anymore, he usually opted out of a nest and just used his bed.

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