Chapter Three

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"You look a lot different this year Seren." Zaina laughs. "I haven't changed that much." I roll my eyes. "Yes you have! Look at you, you have all this beautiful hair you've grown into your curves you have a chest and ass now." Sophie giggles. "You're seriously the most prettiest girl in town now. Guys are going to be falling at your feet." Zaina says. "Not on my watch." Stephan grins flopping down besides us. "Not on Zane's watch either huh?" Sophie giggles. He shoots her a glare and joins us. "All we're saying is you look a lot different now in the best way possible." Sophie says. "You should have seen moms face when you guys sent the most recent photo. She was prancing around the house all hmm I wonder which one of my perfect trophy boys will marry Seren." Zaina giggles dancing around.

I feel my face turn beet red and the boys let out nervous chuckles. "Enough Zaina, she just got here." Zane smiles at me. "And then mom was like hmm will it be Stephan? Will it be Zane? Will it be Jere?" Sophie bursts into laughter. "Maybe not Jere he's in his fuck boy phase." Zaina says and we all glance at him. "You guys are embarrassing her." Stephan says.

"Are we embarrassing you Seren?" Zaina asks. "I'm not exactly comfortable." I answer and everyone laughs. "Never mind them babe, we're so happy you guys are home." Zane says wrapping an arm around me. I smile and instantly loose myself in his eyes.

"Come on Seren." Sophie says pulling me up. I take her hand and we link arms. "This summer is going to be a blast." Zaina says. "It's going to be so much fun." Sophie grins. "I don't know guys. I mean I definitely like Zane but I like Stephan too. Maybe I should just be friends with the both of them and meet someone else." I say. "Honestly that's probably for the best. Either way someone is going to get hurt if you choose." Sophie says. "Or she could just surprise us all and choose Jeremiah." Zaina waggles her eyebrows. "Not a chance. Jere loves Seren but he has a new girl every weekend." Sophie scoffs. "He probably gave up. Mom put it this way, I wonder which one of my perfect boys will marry Seren? Jeremiah is disqualified due to his disgustingly horny personality so that leaves my two perfect boys who happen to be qualified bachelor's." Zaina says. I smack her arm giggling. "Okay no. Not happening. We are going to have an amazing summer and i'm going to meet some guys and go from there. I don't want to hurt Stephan or Zane." I say. "Oh baby you're going go break their hearts just by talking to another boy." Sophie says. "Then i'll get them to fall out of love with me. Reverse psychology, i'll dress like Adam Sandler and I don't know forget to brush my teeth here and there." I say. "Impossible. You're hot now Seren those boys aren't changing their minds." Sophie giggles.

"Oh shit I think it's going to storm!" Koen laughs. I glance up at the sky and sure enough the clouds were dark and lightning boomed. "Guys come in!" Melanie yells. Thunder booms and we all scream as rain begins pouring. "My hair!" Zaina shrieks. "I'm more worried for Jere's perm." Zane jokes. "Not a perm bro." Jeremiah snaps. "Where's my shoe!" I giggle. Stephan tosses me my other shoe. "Come on, i've got you." Zane says picking me up. I burst into laughter as we all race inside.

"Off the couch you wet dog!" Zaina says smacking Jeremiah. "Be nice to him." I frown. "Thanks babe." Jeremiah grins kissing my cheek. "This blows, what are we going to do now." Sophie says. "It's pretty late already my loves. Koen and Seren are probably exhausted." Melanie says.

The door opens and Paul walks in. "Hey you guys!" He cheers hugging Koen and I. "That rain came out of nowhere." Melanie says hanging up his jacket. "I made it home just in time." Paul sighs. "How was work?" Sophie asks. "Workey." Paul replies. "Any cool surgeries today?" Stephan asks. "Nothing too crazy however this fellow did come in with chainsaw cuts so that was pretty cool." He laughs. "Paul don't get into details with them." Melanie wrinkles her nose. "Oh they don't care. Infact Zane I talked to the cheif today and there might be an internship opportunity for you in the fall." He says. "Zane in scrubs." I waggle my eyebrows and he shoots me a wink. "Sweet thanks dad." Zane smiles. "I've got connections everywhere kids, you name it and let your old man do the work." Paul tells us. "Okay, kids why don't you go on up so you're father can eat and relax." Melanie smiles. We all say our goodnights and head upstairs.

"Need anything?" Sophie asks. I shake my head no. "Well get settled and we will come hang out in a bit." She smiles. I nod and head into my room.

I slip into my walk in closet and change into white lounge pants with a matching white crop top. I brush my hair out slip on some fuzzy socks.

I considered myself pretty. I had long black hair that fell into ringlets at my hips and bright green eyes. I had a dark olive complexion and perfect facial features and had grown into my body. I head back into my room and flop on the bed. "May I?" Stephan asks peering in. " You may." I giggle. "Settling in okay?" He asks. "I sure am." I laugh nervously. "Your hairs so long and pretty." He says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Thanks." I smile. "I'm really glad you're home. I can't wait to show you around and all." He says. "I'm happy i'm home too." I whisper. He wraps his arms around me and presses his lips to my head. "Good night Sere bear." He smiles. "Good night Stephan." I say.

I head into the bathroom and wash my face. The door opens and I jump. "Sorry, I didn't know you were in here. I'll start knocking." Zane laughs. He was shirtless and looked godly. "It's okay." I smile grabbing a towel. He steps closer towards me pressing me against the wall and reaches an arm above me. "Grabbing the toothpaste." He grins. "Okay." I breath. He steps back and begins brushing his teeth. I sit on the counter and watch him. "I'd stare too." He winks flexing. "What? I was just staring at your flabby stomach wondering how your ego got so big." I roll my eyes. "Ouch Sere." He mumbles making me giggle. "Good night beautiful." He says kissing my cheek. "Bye." I breath and he laughs closing the door behind him.

What was I going to do?

"What's wrong?" Sophie asks stepping in. "Your brothers. They're major flirts." I groan. "What if you went on a date with both of them separately and then decided?" Zaina asks. Someone knocks on the door and we all look up. "Sorry to interrupt. Sere these are for you, I forgot to give them to you earlier." Stephan smiles handing me a bouquet of roses. "They're beautiful." I beam. "You're beautiful. Good night." He says. I look between Sophie and Zaina. "This is going to be so easy." I say. "You'll figure it out. Anyways listen there's a beach party tomorrow. Pratically the whole city shows up." Zaina says. "A party sounds fun." I waggle my eyebrows. "And there will be tons of hot guys." Sophie says. "You guys aren't in relationships?" I ask. "Oh I am. I'm dating Gavin you'll meet him tomorrow." Sophie says. "They're the cutest, they've been together for like two years now." Zaina says. "Well I look foward to it." I wink. "Anyways we should get some sleep. Get excited tomorrow is gonna be so fun!" Sophie squels. "Good night guys." I laugh.

Once they leave I turn off the light and contemplate all that's different now.

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