Chapter One

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"How was tea time?" My brother Koen jokes. "You're an asshole." I mumble. "Melanie called." He says quietly.

Melanie. My favorite person in this world. My late mother's best friend.

"Why?" I ask biting my nails.

I hadn't seen or spoken to Mel in over a year. "No clue, she's on the way now." Koen answers. I flop on the couch and nervously wait. "I'm sure it's nothing." He continues. "Did someone die?" I ask. "Jesus Seren. No." He replies flatly.

Sure enough ten minutes later there's a knock at the door.

"Hey Mel, it's good to see you." I hear Koen say. "Oh look at you. You're so handsome and tall now." I hear her laugh. "Don't boost his ego." I smile standing up.

"Seren my beautiful girl. Look at you." She smiles embracing me immediately. "Dad should be here soon." I tell her. "I'm afraid that's why i'm here." She says quietly closing the door behind her. "Is he dead too?" I ask. Koen glares at me in response. "No. Come sit." She says.

We join her on the couch and she sighs. "You're father was arrested again." She begins. "Why do they keep letting him out?" Koen groans and I giggle. "Stop it. Listen, he's been arrested but this time they are taking things much more serious. CPS is involved again. Seren could be back in the system and Koen there's no chance of getting her back home if that happens." She says. "Sounds good to me." He waggles his eyebrows. "You're such a dick!" I snap throwing a pillow at him. "Brat." He shoots back. "Stop it both of you. That's why i'm here you guys. It's too much. Your father is never going to clean up his act. Seren I don't want you going into foster care again and Koen you don't deserve to be carrying around all this pressure so young. Paul and I still have our foster license and we were granted permission to take you both under our wing, but the decision is up to you." She says. I glance at Koen. "Like permanently?" He asks. "That's what we're hoping for. Koen you're twenty and Seren is only seventeen. It is completely up to you guys how the rest of your life's look after today." She says.

"So we would live with you forever?" I ask. "Yes. That's what we want. That's what the twins and Jere want. We want to provide you guys with the home and family you deserve. You guys deserve a better life and it isn't your fault you're stuck with a dead beat father." She says. "Seren will go." Koen answers.

"She said both of us." I point out. "I'm an adult Melanie and Paul don't need to be stressing and worrying about me. You go Seren, you're just a kid." He says. "I'm not going if Koen doesn't." I tell her. "Stop being so stubborn." He snaps. "Koen, we want you home. It's time to be home." Melanie says taking his hand.

"It seems like a lot. I don't want to pressure you guys." Koen mumbles. "If it was a lot I wouldn't be here asking you to come home. Seren needs you Koen and you need her. We're all we have now. It's time." She says.

"Okay. Seren...are you sure?" Koen asks me.

"I'm sure."

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