chapter 10 - ling wen meeting

Start from the beginning

"..." xie lain and fu yao stayed quiet.

"Who are you calling dog you dead ghost?!"

"Well , I am infact a ghost and dead , though the dog that I was calling was you."

"You stupid bastard!"

San lang laughed , "is that your only cuss you can say?"


"you two! Don't fight and definitely don't cuss! Why does it feel like I'm a mother of three.."

"Why mother??"

Fu yao asked , still rubbing his nose . Xie lian looked at him then got into a deep thought about it .

'Why mother..'

'Why mother?'

'Why mother..?!'             

He thought deeply. Fu yao stared at him confusingly, 'is he actually thinking about it.."

"Your Highness..  I'm joking."

Xie lian then snapped out and laughed nervously , he nodded before faking a few coughs and walking in between the two that ate fighting. As soon as he stepped in between them , they both got silent real quick, then rolling his eyes after hearing nan feng complain from behind him as well as San lang .

"Ahem. The only person here that can complain is fu yao. And there's a good reason why.  Now you two , stop fighting  for once."

The two stayed quiet.

"Did the Holy spirit walk past you to make you a ghost or are you just this dumb naturally?"

"Did the nice attitude slap you across the face and then locked you into the 'what is my personality?' Room by any chance?"

San lang replied nicely back to nan feng , making him gasp. Xie lian giggled nervously before turning his head quickly at nan feng ,"nan feng..don't mO-"

He gets cut off from nan feng jumping on San lang and hitting him. San lang dodging the hits easily and smoothly while fu yao stood there , cringing as well as xie lian. He sighed before turning his head to fu yao and spoke .

"Fu yao , does ling wen need me right now?"

"Yes your highness. She needs you right now."

"Ah. Okay thank you , please..don't fight when I leave.." He smiled nervously before teleporting to the heaven realm from fu yao's teleportation really quick. As soon as he stepped on the rock hard floor , everyone who was speaking suddenly went quiet and walked as fast as they could away from him, " go GO! it's the unlucky scrap collector! Go move move!" Some random yelled across , xie lian having to hear that let out a small laugh with a smile before the smile disappeared .

He then ignored them and started stepping on the stair , walking up the stairs to ling wen.

When he was walking up the long stairs he looked around , realising he was the only one and the only thing that you could hear while walking up the stairs was the wind and the ring necklace hitting his bare chest gently . He finally arrived at the last step and quickly walked to ling wen's temple , quietly and respectfully opening the doors and walking in. He looked around seeing everyone working as always but this time a bit calmer , he looked toward him thinking he'll see his overworked friend but .. he didn't.

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