Chapter 6: Mysterious Necklace

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~ Kira's Dream~

I was in the field of where the tree of time is, both portals open. I saw Korra with Raava, fusing with her. Then she landed down, in glory. Like she should. 

I was nowhere to be seen, Tenzen and his two siblings were there, Eska, Desna and Korra's team avatar.

" We should head back now," Tenzen said.

" I'm not going until I find Kira," Korra stated.

" I know but she has to be long gone by now, she'll come back I'm sure of it but not now."

" I know where Kira is but she doesn't want to come back," a little yellow spirit spoke. " She said that she'll come back when she's ready."

" Take me to her," Korra demanded.

" I would but she's smart and by now she must be far away from where I left her. If I knew where she was I would've taken you to her." ANd with that she left.

" See you have nothing to worry about Korra," Tenzen said.

ANd they all left.

The next moment I saw that I was completely ruined. TEars stained my cheeks, my hair was everywhere, and I had a scar on the side of my face. 

" They left me here so they'll pay the price," I yelled. " I will get my revenge!"

~End of Kira's dream~

I shot up from my sleep. Sweat was like a blanket on my forehead.

I looked beside me to see Kanna was already up. " What was it about?" Was all she asked.

" DId you even sleep?" I asked her.

" I did sleep then you were tossing and turning and that woke me up. So what was your nightmare about today?" She came by me on the bed. " Did you have a little chat with Vattu?"

" Today was a bit weird. Korra fused with Raava again and I was missing, then a little yellow spirit came and said that I was fine, then everybody left and I came looking horrible and I screamed something it's still fresh in my brain, 'They left me here so they'll pay the price, I will get my revenge.' "

" I swear to god Kira sometimes your nightmares make no sense if you just ask me it is a nightmare is when Vattu is in it. ANd a bad dream is when something weird happens but VAttu is not in it."

" Sorry that I woke you up, I didn't deserve to do that to you," I mumbled to her quietly.

" Kira you know that some people won't even give a fuck to your nightmares so you're lucky to have roommate and a best friends as me."

I chuckled. " I know I'm pretty lucky to have someone like you in my life. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have a type of person like you."

" You should be. Now go to sleep. You have like 5 hours before we have to wake up and explore." She made jazz hands.

" You should go to sleep, you've been awake  more than me." 

She went back to her bed and laid down and fell asleep.

I laid back on my bed and looked up at the ceiling not feeling the slightest bit asleep.

Soon I fell asleep.

~ Time Skip~

Me and Kanna were now at the bazaar trying to look for something to buy. Since we did come late to the festevil, only the shops were open.

" This looks cute," Kanna squealed, pointing at something.

IT was a necklace with a diamond that looks like the water tribe symbol it was on a silver chain. It looked like the necklace was smiling at me telling me something like " You'll need me soon."

" You should get that," I told her, suddenly, as if somebody forced me to. " It looks pretty."

" Ya I should." KAnna turned to the seller. " How much for this?"

" 100 yuans," said the seller.

" That much? You should sell it for more. It has some value." Kanna told the seller. She handed him some money. " Here's 500, keep the change."

The seller took the money, tears in his eyes. " Thank you so much, young miss. I needed this money." The seller gave Kanna the necklace in a box.

" Thank you." Kanna said. " Come on Kira let's get something for you now."

" I don't need anything," I protested. " All I need is to make sure my family is safe from the shit that may happen.

" Hell no you're getting something from here if you like it or not." 

I link my arm through hers. " Fine." I gave in. " LEt's look for some books."

Kanna rolled her eyes. " You and your books."

" Shut up! They're amazing."

" Sometimes I wish you would just stay in Wan Shi Tong's library and be surrounded by every book known to humankind."

" MAybe one day I will."

Me and Kanna went back to our igloo, tired.

I got 3 books. 1 about spirits and 2 fictional novels.

Kanna dropped on her bed the moment we came back.

" Relax, we've been gone for 2 hours," I laughed at her.

" Shut the fcuk up," Kanna shot back.

I heard a knock on the door so I went to see who it was and I saw Korra there.

" Hey Korra," I said, smiling.

" Hey so Uncle is bringing me to the south pole and I wanted to see if you wanted to go you can bring Kanna if you want," Korra told me, smiling.

Already on his plan, I guess?

" Let me ask her," I told Korra. I closed the door. " Do you want to go or not?" I asked Kanna, pleading with my eyes to say no. 

" Ya I'll go," Kanna said, smirking. She clearly saw my pleading with my eyes to say no, but pretended she didn't 

I opened the door. " Ya KAnna will come so I will go too," I told her.

" Cool see you later." Then she left.

I closed the door.

" Thanks a lot bitch." I told her, sarcastically.

" Chill and plus we'll know about what your uncle is planning."

"Maybe. Let's pack."

ME and Kanna packed our stuff. We packed food, water and a few coats in case it gets a little too cold. And I packed one of my books that I got from the bazaar, a book lover brings a book everywhere even if she knows she won't have time. 

" We should take a little nap," Kanna said, zipping her bag. " We are leaving in an hour."

" Ya," I agreed. " We should."

Both of us went to our beds and went to sleep. 

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