Part 2

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Flashback //10 Years ago // Danny, 17 years old

Danny was nervously fidgeting with her fingers, not meeting her older sisters eyes. Her mind was going a million miles per hour, anxious about what her sister might say. She knew she wanted her to know the truth. The truth about her. It had taken every bit of courage to tell her that she liked girls. She had known for quite a while, and had only told her best friend Beth about it, who said she couldn't care less if Danny liked girls or boys, or both. Danny had felt relieved when she had finally told someone about her secret. But now she was sitting in front of her older sister Eliza, the second most important person in her life besides Beth. She could not bear the thought of her older sister hating her or being disappointed in her. So when she said the words out loud she immediately turned her head down, not looking at her sister, terrified of what she might say.

„Danny? Look at me..." her sisters voice held no sign of disgust, hate or disappointment.

With hopeful eyes, Danny looked up to her big sister who had a sincere look on her face.

„Don't be scared..You know I... I already knew", a slight smile formed on her lips.

Dannys eyes went wide, „You did?"

„I mean I kind of figured you know? And I also saw you behind the school building with this blonde girl when I went to pick you up."

Dannys cheeks went red and her heart sped up. Of course she remembered the moment Eliza was talking about. It was after school when Cara had led her behind the school building, saying she wanted to talk about something important to Danny. She agreed and only when they turned around the corner of the building out of sight from everyone, Cara had crashed her lips with Danny's, taking her by surprise but Danny immediately sank into the kiss, her stomach doing flips as if she was on a rollercoaster.

She didn't think that anyone had seen them, but turns out, her older sister did.

„So you're not mad at me?", Danny asked cautiously.

„Little one, why would you think that? I love you more than anyone else no matter what." Eliza looked into her little sisters eyes that had teared up a little. She pulled her into a hug, holding her tight.

„Thanks Liza", Danny mumbled against her shoulder.

„Not for this Danny"

When she let go, Danny looked visibly relieved. But her older sister could tell there was another thought on her mind.

„I.. I can't tell Mom and Dad right?"

Eliza looked at her sister and she hated to disappoint her but she knew Danny couldn't tell  their parents. They were very traditional and conservative in their believes. And as for the latest events they were already not amused about Danny's grades. Plus just two weeks ago they had found weed and cigarettes in her room. This had led to Danny getting grounded for a total of 10 days.

„I don't think this is the right know?", Eliza put her arm around her sister and pulled her down on Dannys bed trying to get her mind on other things.

„But more important... tell me about that girl! ", Eliza turned her head and now looked at her little sister who now had a slight smile on her face instead of a frown.

„Cara?" , Danny thought of her blonde hair, her pink lips and soft skin. Her deep blue eyes that reminded Danny of the ocean.

„She's amazing" Danny smiled and looked at her sister.


The next day at school Danny was so excited to see Cara, wanting to tell her all about the conversation she had with her sister. She was so happy that Eliza accepted her for who she was and she wanted to tell Cara all about it. Maybe they could kiss again? Danny hoped to get the chance to feel those soft lips again.

I don't do relationships.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن