"Londyn, hey." Elijah walks up behind me, giving me a hug around the shoulders. My brows pinch in confusion and at my reaction he gives a light laugh. Andrés appears from the corner, giving the two of us a look that I can't read, then he flops on the couch.

"Hi Elijah." I respond, ignoring the dramatic look that Micky gives me. He lets go of my shoulders, taking a seat on the couch on the other side of Andrés. "You didn't tell me you were affiliated with Elijah." I roll my eyes at her. "I'm not." Em gives a quiet giggle. "Didn't look like it to me." Her melodic voice sings. "Whatever."

Noah and Jordan appear with drinks in their hands. Jordan hands one to Em, and Noah hands the others to Micky and I.

"I don't drink." I reply, placing my hand up to push it away. Before Noah can acknowledge my statement Andrés speaks up. "Of course she doesn't." A smug smirk is painted on his good looking face, he slouches into his seat with a red cup I hadn't noticed before in his hand and his hazel eyes burn into me, making my body feel uneasy.

I fold my hands in my lap. "The hell is that supposed to mean?" I respond, glaring at him. Andrés sits up, adjusting his posture and leaning his elbows on his knees. "It means what it means," He stops to take a sip of the drink in his cup. "You're too much of a good girl to drink." I scoff at his assumption. I kick off my heels before standing, and I feel Micky grab my hand.

"Come on, Andrés leave her alone." Elijah tells him boldly. I raise a brow when Andrés laughs. "And who are you to tell me what to do?" His smirk grows wider, and I swear this is the most I've seen him smile. Or close to a smile. For once he doesn't look so dead.

Elijah doesn't respond, causing Andrés to laugh before looking at me. "Creep, you better get your boyfriend before he gets his ass kicked again." I rub my temple, heading to the counter where the shot glasses stand.

Looks like I'll need a drink after all.

"Not my boyfriend." I respond quickly before I take a shot glass, pressing it to my lips and downing it in what feels like a second. I hear people cheer quietly when I reach for my second one, the burn of the alcohol feeling all too familiar. See the thing is I never said I haven't had a drink before, I just didn't drink at the moment.

Brings back too many memories.

My second turns into a third, my third into a fourth, and before my fifth can turn into a fifth arms wrap around my shoulders and this time I'm filled with the familiar floral scent of my best friend. "Come on pretty girl," She releases me, grabbing my hand. "We can't have the rational one out of the two of us passing out now can we?"

By the time we return to our spots on the couches I feel more than tipsy and my eyes search for Andrés.

Is he impressed? He stares at me from what feels like such a distance with an unreadable look on his face. His jaw seems relaxed, eyebrows and eyes also relaxed, but in his pupils there's a look that I can't read.

Not that I care anyway. I'm just drunk.

"Okay everyone!" Jude exclaims, running a hand through his red hair and taking a seat at the table. "We're playing truth or dare." He places an empty green beer bottle on the middle of the table before looking around at everyone on the couch. "Everyone who wants to join in gather round."

A couple people sit around the table before others from the kitchen begin to sit as well. Micky and Em sit at the table, looking back at me when I fail to move. "Come on LonLon! Live a little." Her words slur together and she pulls on my calf in a weak attempt to get me to sit on the carpet beside her. I shrug.

Why not, what's the worst that can happen?


After what feels like ages it's finally my turn. So far people have only gotten weird and sexual questions and stupid dares like; chug 3 bottles of beer in 2 minutes. Jordan got that dare and of course his outgoing ass did it in less. Five seconds less to be exact and now he lays on the couch holding his stomach looking like he's in a drunk heaven. And someone was dared to drink a shot glass of toilet water.

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