the tower (1)

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The clock strikes midnight and Hermione once again finds herself walking the Hogwarts corridors alone. 

It's been weeks since Ron Weasley first told her he's dating Lavender Brown, of course, she already knew. 

Lavender first kissed him after Gryffindor won the quidditch match and out of no where they became glued together, what Hermione thought hurt her the most was how long it took him to tell her. They weren't dating, they never even talked about dating, but it felt as if he was cheating.

Tears were streaming down her face, she felt embarrassed, Lavender Brown confronted her in front of the entire Gryffindor common room, "why are you so obsessed with my boyfriend," she had every right to be obsessed, but she wasn't obsessed, she was just friends with him, she had every right to spend one afternoon with her friend without his leech of a girlfriend, "he chose me

The audacity.

She stormed out of the common room, caused a scene. She couldn't go back now, she already made a fool of herself. Harry walked out after her but she managed to lose him, she just wanted to be alone right now. She didn't think he'd understand. She was running out of corridors and ended up at the astronomy tower staircase, I could use some air, she thought, and so she started ascending upwards. The stairs were long and exhausting, she was already out of breath and her tears made her nose stuffy. She got to the top and absentmindedly slammed the door open. 

A startled Draco Malfoy turned around.

Great, this was exactly what she needed. 

"sorry, I didn't realise anyone was up here," she mumbled

"yeah as if, you mudbloods just love to intrude on my private time," he noticed her puffy eyes, "What's up with you, Weaselby turned out to be a bad kisser?" 

Oh the irony, on an average day she would have owned his snarky comments and put him in his place but today was not that day, she couldn't control her emotions anymore, she started crying again.

He just stood there, unsure what to do, she was crying in front of him and he was watching her do it.

She tried to pull herself together, get a grip, but it was too much, she embarrassed herself enough today and the last thing she wanted was for Malfoy to see her cry. He kept looking at her. "im sorry" she mumbled. He didn't say anything.

"what are you doing up here anyway" he finally said in a monotone voice, not breaking his stare on her.

She sniffled, wiped her eyes, "I just needed to get away from the common room," 

"and you just had to steal my spot? Look granger I'm not going to console you,"

"I know, I know, I didn't mean to run into you, I'll leave," she turned around, started going down the stairs when suddenly, 


She stopped. Behind her at the top of the staircase stood Draco Malfoy, "Don't take this to heart, but if this really is about Weaselby then I really don't think its worth crying about Granger, you stay, I was about to leave anyway," 

And just like that he swiftly walked past her on the staircase not even looking in her direction. She watched him walk down and when he was out of sight she walked into the tower and closed the door. She looked out on the lake and waited for everyone to fall asleep so she could return to her dorm.

She had her bag with her and decided to get started on her arithmacy homework keep her mind occupied. About 2 hours passed and she decided she could return to her dorm.

She sneaked past the corridors trying not to wake Filch nor Mrs Norris up, she whispered the password to the portrait of the Fat Lady and stepped into the common room. To her relief it was empty, only the fireplace was left which gave the room a soft glow as she tip toed to her dorm room.

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