Chapter 14

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Porsche's Mother call Kinn

When Kinn hear Porsche's Mother voice he looked back

Porsche's Mother: Prince please listen to us....we never wanted to leave but new Queen throw us out...and Porsche tried his best to meet you but he never succeed..... it's not easy for people like us to met with a Prince....My Porsche going to the palace just because he wanted to met you....plz don't get him wrong.....she said with tears in her eyes

After hearing all this Kinn just froze in his place.... Porsche was standing behind his mother.... when Kinn's eyes met Porsche's... Kinn just wanted to hug him.... wanted to say sorry for his mistake....

Porsche's Mother: I think you two should talk....she left from there

Porsche: I'm sorry Prince

Suddenly Kinn hug Porsche.... Porsche's mind went blank....he wait for this moment in his whole life...

he wait for this moment in his whole life

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Kinn: I'm so sorry Po.... please forgive me.... sorry

Porsche broke the hug....

Porsche: It's okay Prince.... please don't say those words ever again.... everyone loves you....

Kinn: I don't want anyone else's love.... call me Phi... like you call me before

Porsche in his mind: why are you saying this heart don't take those pain anymore....all I have to do is stay in my limits and wish for your happiness with khun Miya

Porsche: okay Phi

Kinn: Let's go back to Palace

Porsche: I can't Phi....I can't leave my Mother alone

Kinn: we take aunty with us... don't worry

Porsche didn't say anything... when Kinn asked Porsche's mother to go with them..... she said she is okay here

Porsche: I can't leave you here alone Ma

Porsche's Mother: I'm Okay here Porsche... you should go with Prince.. you have to take care of him... it's our duty... I promised his Mother...I take care of him.... please Porsche

Porsche: He have his wife now Ma... he don't need me

Porsche's Mother: Prince have a wife? When he get married?

Porsche: he will marry soon

Porsche's Mother: Porsche it's our duty to take care of will go with Prince... it's final

Porsche's Mother in his mind: I know son you love Prince.... Have a little hope my child..... believe in your love

Kinn & Porsche comeback to Palace

After 1 month:-

In this time kinn and Porsche become good friends... Kinn always take care of he do in past...he wanted to correct all his wrong doings...he wanted to be a better person for his Nong Po.... even King notice the changes in Kinn....but he thought that's because Miya

Other side Porsche is overwhelmed with all the attention and care Kinn give him.... but deep inside his heart he know he shouldn't get up his hope ... his P'kinn is a kind person that's why he doing all this.... whenever he see Miya come to Palace and go to kinn's room his heart break into million pieces

But what Porsche didn't know is Kinn didn't like Miya..... whenever Miya come to kinn's room he annoyed by her presence....but he can't do anything.... because he can't disobey king's order

One day Kinn go to King's room but suddenly he saw Porsche sit in the garden with another guy.... they talked about something and laughing together.... but Kinn didn't liked it...kinn go behind them and call Porsche

Kinn: what are you doing?

Porsche turn his head with a smile on his face and kinn's breath hitched

Porsche: look phi ....he is cute... isn't he?

Kinn looked at Porsche's face and said " He is beautiful"

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Kinn looked at Porsche's face and said " He is beautiful"....but suddenly Kinn realise someone else also looking at Porsche's face

Kinn: who are you? he asked that guy

"I'm Bas.... Prince " he said

Kinn: go to your work now... what the fuck are you doing here? Kinn said angrily

Bas bow his head and left from there hurriedly

Porsche: Phi why are you doing this? He got scared

Kinn: what are you doing with him?

Porsche: we play with this cat

Kinn: if you wanted to play you should call me.... I'll play with you.... why him?

Porsche: you are busy Phi....and he is my friend also..we live in a same village...I know him from childhood..we

Kinn hold. Porsche's face and said "I'm your only friend.... you don't need to have any other friends.... don't get close to him... okay?"

Porsche is really surprised by kinn's behaviour.....he didn't say anything and nodded his head .....

Sorry for late update.....if you like this story please vote and comment ❤️

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