Chapter 11

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On his way Porsche suddenly bump with the younger Prince Tawan ...

Porsche: Sorry Prince..... forgive me.... I'm too careless....sorry prince..... Porsche said repeatedly

But Tawan just froze in his place...he didn't say anything

"How can a boy have this beautiful face? Is he even real?" Tawan thought in his mind

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"How can a boy have this beautiful face? Is he even real?" Tawan thought in his mind ...

Tawan suddenly said "what is your name?"

"Porsche..... Prince " Porsche said and bowed his head

"Are you new here" said Tawan

"Yes Prince"

Suddenly a maid come and say" Prince.... Queen call for you"

"Okay....tell her I'm coming"

Tawan turn to Porsche and say "See you Porsche"

Porsche just bowed his head and say nothing

After a while he go to kinn's room with food

Kinn:why did you take so long?

Porsche: Sorry Prince.....I met prince Tawan on the way and....

Kinn:what did that idiot do?Did he do something? I'LL Kill... Prince..he just asked my name

Kinn didn't like that.He know how evil Tawan is.

Kinn: Never talk with him....did you get it?

Porsche nodded

Kinn: why didn't you come to my room since morning?

Porsche: I was busy with the arrangements for prince Tawan's...

Kinn cutting off Porsche and angrily said "Never say that idiot's name....I didn't want to hear his name from your mouth "

Porsche confusedly nodded his head

Next Day:-

Inside Tawan's Room:-

A maid bring Tawan's breakfast. Tawan asked that maid "Do you know Porsche? Where is he?"

Maid: yes Prince.... he is served Prince Kinn. He is Prince Kinn's private servent

Tawan: can go...

Maid bowed and leave from there

Tawan said in his mind: why that kinn always get the best thing? wait and watch kinn I'll snatch all the things that belongs to you...

After 1 week:-

Porsche was returning from Kinn's room....on his way he suddenly met with Tawan.

Tawan: Hlw Porsche..... how are you? Long time no see

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