Hummers Handbook: How to Bee a Good Friend

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Author's Note: Okay, the last chapter was very poorly written so I apologize for that. Longer-ish chapters will be coming since I will be adding some of my own scenes! Also, is it just me who noticed that they don't talk like teens at all in the og script? And when they try to it's just cringe (hence why I refuse to write Tyler saying he talks about cancel culture with his therapist).

A few too many bee puns...

Bleary-eyed, Wednesday wakes up to the sound of pop music, Taylor Swift, or something along those lines. Or was it even pop? She wasn't sure. All of Enid's music had just mushed into one big song at this point. It's not odd for Enid to be awake first, she was more of an early riser than Wednesday was (and that was saying something).

"Good morning, Wednesday!" Enid chirps from her vanity. She's usually doing her makeup when Wednesday wakes up, only ever breaking her focus to talk to her roommate.

"Dreadful morning to you too, Enid." Wednesday's socked feet meet the floor underneath her. ("Girl, you seriously cannot be wearing socks to bed! It'll cut your circulation off." Enid says one night, judging her roommate from across the room. Delightful, Wednesday thinks. So, she keeps doing it.)

"Any plans for today, besides class?" The blonde asks, her voice trailing off as she applies her eyeliner, mumbling the lyrics to whatever song she's listening to.

Wednesday thinks, her brain still a little fuzzy from sleep. "Speak to Weems and Rowan."

"Oh right." Enid wasn't listening fully, because if she was she would be telling Wednesday to just leave it and that she's just going to stress herself out. Enid was right. But was Wednesday going to listen regardless? Nope!

During lunch, Wednesday slips away from the watchful eye of her roommate to go and see Weems. She gets the go-ahead to come in and pushes open the large doors. "Principle Weems-"

"Good afternoon, Miss. Addams." The older woman looks up from her paperwork, her mouth pulled into that already recognizable tight smile. "What can I do for you? Though, shouldn't you be eating? Lunch is important."

"I've eaten." Wednesday lies. She just needs to get to her point, not dance around the subject talking about lunch. "I need to speak to Rowan, is he back in classes yet?"

"No can do, Wednesday." What. "He's been expelled."

"What? Why? What did he do to deserve that?"

"That's confidential." Weems taps the side of her nose. Wednesday doesn't have time for shenanigans. "All I can tell you is that he'll be on the first train this afternoon. And before you ask, no you can't see him. He's only allowed to see staff at the moment."

"Not even Xavier?" She asks as she draws herself back from the desk. "Weems, they're best friends."

"That's not your concern." No, it was Wednesday's concern. She was very concerned! "Now, what were you doing in the woods with him? Rowan, I mean."

"Thornhill didn't tell you?" She must have, she even brought out her 'good pen' just to write down notes.

"She did." The principle confirms. "I just know it's not the truth, Mort- Wednesday." She readjusts her shoulders and clears her throat, weirdly avoiding eye contact now. "It was a psychic vision, no?" She looks back up at the Addams."

"What? No, I-"

"Don't lie to me." Weems' eyes narrow. "When we passed that accident, you knew exactly what happened to that poor farmer. Your mother had a similar experience at your age and you should speak to her about it. I know you don't want to worry her but she should know."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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