VOL I: Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe

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Author's Note: Hey there! As stated in the summary, this is a Wednesday rewrite (plus, my thoughts on what future season will be/should be like). Personally, I think that Wednesday as a whole was mischaracterized, such as the forced mommy issues (like huh??). I tend to add more detail about how the supernatural world works and go into more depth about the main characters. As I am with Wednesday, I will be tweaking Xavier's character and adding more to Yoko's.

I'm currently watching the 60s show of the Addams Family and I want to build more on their dynamic, as they didn't do them justice in the show. Also, this is a slow burn and other ships will be featured as they are canonically. Thought the love corner will not be the premise of the story this time.

You can find me on Twitter (ceoronanN) & Tumblr/Tiktok (quilkns)

Wednesday couldn't believe it.

You'd think, after going through years of the mental torture that is school, her doting parents wouldn't try and send her to a new one. And a boarding school? They must be going mad. She asked, countless times, why her Grandmama couldn't just home-school her, but their answer was always 'It will be good for you', or something along those lines, and her father would go back to showering her mother with affection. Wednesday was going to kill someone...again.

What made it worse was that her parents were adamant that she speak to them. Why should she? They were practically throwing her to the wolves (she wasn't aware yet that that was true. Well, a wolf. Her parents were throwing her to a migraine-inducing, pink wolf). "Lurch, please remind my parents that I am no longer speaking to them."

Lurch groans from the front seat, though it doesn't sway her parents' smiles. Lucifer, they were practically ecstatic. "I promise you, My Little Viper, you will like - no - adore Nevermore!" She's not sure her father is telling the truth. And now they're lying? She was going to orphan herself. "Won't she, Tish?"

Her mother - the most truthful woman Wednesday knows - lies to her face. "Of course. She'll love it. "Raven, you're going to be around people who love you for you."

"I'd rather gouge my eyes out." Wednesday would do that in any way, she could live without eyes. Honestly, her hand was itching for the knife strapped to her ankle. "I don't want or need the love of my peers, mother."

"You know, at first, I was angry at my mother too." Morticia offers softly. An olive branch. "But, now I'm older, I appreciate what I learned there." She gives Gomez an adoring smile. "And who I met."

Her father - the man who was so reluctant to send his Little Scorpion off to school all those years ago - speaks up. "We want you to give it a chance, Mija. And we're not the ones who got you expelled. Attempted murder charges don't look good on your record."

"You're right." Wednesday nods firmly. "Everybody will know I failed to kill him."

Gomez grins. "That's the spirit!" He leans over, cupping either side of Wednesday's face, and pressing a kiss on her forehead. "Now, let's reintroduce Nevermore Academy to the Addamses!"

"Ah, Morticia and Gomez." The principal - Headmistress Larissa Weems - had a tight smile on her face and Wednesday had an idea that she was not a fan of her parents. "And you must be Wednesday? Such a unique name. Is there a story behind it?"

"A nursery rhyme!" Gomez chimes in, looking rather proud of himself. Morticia and Weems are just staring at each other. "It's one of Tish's favorites. Such a fitting line for our Little Storm Cloud." Wednesday notices Weems' face shift but she can't tell what part of what her father said made her do so.

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