Mind the Bump

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Author's Note: Admittedly, I got a little lazy writing this but I wanted to get a chapter out. As always, constructive criticism & advice is always welcome!

It was ugly, really, their dorm room window. Truthfully, it reminded Wednesday of her late friend's mother, Margaux Needler. A hag. So, she decides to get rid of it. She's not a monster - a psychopath? Debateable. A monster? No. - so she doesn't touch her roommate's side. Though, Enid is still not pleased.

"What the frick did you do to my room?"

"Dividing our room equally." Wednesday stands up, duct tape in hand. "It looks like a rainbow vomited on your side. Is that a personal choice?" Enid just scoffs, crossing her arms. "Now, I must get to writing."

"You write?" Enid sounds a little hopeful, taking a step towards Wednesday's side. "Me too."

"I know."


"Yes." Wednesday looks over her shoulder at Enid shortly, met by a smiley face. She abruptly turns back around. "It's-" A pause. "It's not my thing."

Enid wasn't dumb, she knew what it's not my thing meant, it's been said to her countless times. Some people didn't appreciate honest journalism anymore. But, it was what she loved and she didn't care if some slack-faced goth liked it or not. "My followers love it." Enid was not a cannibal but maybe a cult leader. Wednesday wasn't sure what she found cooler. "I'm sure whatever weirdo, gory Twilight fanfiction you're writing isn't my thing either."

Wednesday just sighs, distracted by her roommate's incessant chatter. "I would appreciate-" What on earth? Wednesday suddenly gets the urge to make a beeline out the window. Whatever music Enid was playing - it was far from a pleasant tune, something that wench Bethany would like - was not of her taste. At all.

Calmly, Wednesday stood to her feet, turning her body in the blonde's direction. Oh, God. She was dancing...terribly. "Turn that off, it's horrific." She takes a step closer. "Enid, are you losing your hearing from this upbeat music? It seems so."

"Rraw!" Enid pounces towards Wednesday, claws popping out toward her. Heavens, that was not a good dinosaur impression. "This kitty's got claws and she's not afraid to use them." Oh. An even worse cat impression.

The door creaks open and Enid jumps away from her roomie, straightening her back, hiding her claws behind herself. A woman walked in. Her hair was red and so were her boots, thick frames on her face, and a black Delila in hand. "Good evening, girls." She's just as cheery as Enid.

"Oh, sorry about the mud." She cleans her boots off on the pink 'GIRLS ONLY' doormat before she finally notices the tension between both girls; it's a little one-sided, Wednesday doesn't care. "Sorry if this is a bad time, I just wanted to see how Wednesday's settling in. Oh! I'm Ms. Thornhill, your dorm mom." A memory of her mother telling her about her own dorm mom is a little faded in Wednesday's head, vague. She figured, like most stories she struggled to remember, her mother was running her fingers through her hair as she fell asleep, telling her something she'd most likely forget.

"I apologise for not being here when you arrived, Miss Addams." Wednesday can't be upset about something she didn't know about until now. "But I know that our lovely Miss Sinclair has been welcoming."

"She's been smothering me with hospitality. As an Addams, we always return the favor." Enid grins, it's bashful and she's trying to hide how proud of herself she is. "Perhaps I'll strap a small bomb to the bottom of her bed."

Unlike Weems, Thornhill isn't stuck up when it comes to Wednesday's comments. She acts like she doesn't even hear it. "Well, here's a little gift from my conservatory. I try to match the right flower to each one of my girls." Thornhill, for now, had never been wrong. On her first day, she came to Ophelia Hall, when Enid was all alone in her dorm, and gave her a Marigold. Enid loved it so much that she ended up pressing it. "I read through your personal statement in your application, and I immediately thought of this one."

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