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Ch. 28: You won't lose me. I promise.

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News in the estate travels fast and by mid-morning, people are speculating and drawing all sorts of conclusions regarding Eva's miscarriage. For the most part, people are worried. Torin has locked himself away in his office and doesn't show his face for the duration of our training session. Thankfully, Bite and Ryan are more than capable and collectively deliver an informative class on basic self defence. I try my best to follow along, but my mind is elsewhere. For the life of me, I can't concentrate, and I end up excusing myself ten minutes before the end to find Torin.


I enter his office, finding him slumped over his desk, expression strained.

"Maeve and I are going for a walk. Wanna come?"

He rubs at his tired face and nods. Seconds later, Maeve comes barrelling towards him, launching herself into his arms. Her surprise attack seems to cheer him up, but I can still detect the stress in his gaze.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

He kisses Maeve on the cheek and encourages her to grab her gloves.

"Not really," he admits.

Together, we exit his office, finding Finn and Eva arriving through the front entrance.


Eva follows behind her father but keeps her distance.

"You get my daughter pregnant, and you don't tell me!"

Finn's voice is obnoxiously loud, and it takes all the strength I have not to punch him in the face.

"I should've been informed!"

Torin narrows his gaze, unprepared to be spoken to like this in his own home. He goes to speak back. To retaliate. But—suddenly—to our left, Reaper appears.

"Why wasn't I informed?" asks Finn, clearly angry.

"Because it's none of your fucking business," responds Reaper.

Torin steps in. "Brother."

It's a warning to shut the fuck up.

"I'm not your brother," he spits, swaying on the last step.

Finn slowly turns his attention towards Reaper, gaze murderous. He's not an idiot. I suspect he discovered the true nature of Reaper and Eva's relationship the day Reaper attacked him for hitting her. Not that this development changes his opinion on the Under Boss in any way. Punishment for speaking down to another boss is death and right now, Finn is positively murderous.

"Reaper—Son—do yourself a favour and keep your mouth shut."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll put a bullet through your head."

Eva steps forward, keen to ease the tension. "Let's not do this here."

Finn ignores her.


Reaper cautiously eyes the women he loves, moments away from relenting when Finn pulls out a gun and aims it towards his chest. Torin sighs, having had enough theatrics for one day.

"Put down your fucking weapon, Gallagher."

"I will once I've killed your Under Boss."

Eva steps in front of Reaper, prepared to end her life for him. "Stop it!"

"Get out of my way, Eva!"


"Princess, I mean it..."

The Mafia BossOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz