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Ch. 12: This is as much our fight as it is yours!

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People knock into me as they barge through the kitchen, ready and raring to go as soon as their boss gives them their orders. I struggle to process my thoughts but somehow remember what I originally came in here for.

"Where's Torin?" I ask.

Reaper attempts to reach out, but I don't have time for his explanation right now. I have vital information that Torin should know about.

Where the fuck is he?

"Imogen!" Eva pulls on my arm, taking me away from the hustle and bustle of kitchen life. "Try his office."

Together we sprint, catching Torin on his way out.

"They think Katalina is Maeve," I blurt out, practically yanking on his arm.

He grounds me with a gentle touch to the waist.

"When Shane's men drugged Olivia, they thought they were drugging me."

"Fuck!" he declares, scanning the front foyer. "Where's Reaper?"

"Kitchen," informs Eva.

Torin looks at her as though only just noticing her presence. He regards us both closely, suspicious as to why we might be together. Not that he has the time, nor the brain capacity to question it. Before he can so much as breathe, soldiers swam him, ready to receive their orders.

The plan is simple. Torin, Reaper and two other soldiers are to infiltrate Shane's estate and bring Katalina back.

By now, Shane will have worked out they've taken the wrong child. Anyone capable of doing the simplest of maths can figure that out. He won't—however—waste a perfectly good opportunity. If we want Katalina back, he'll expect something in return.

"Let me come!" I state, silencing the room.


Torin shuts down my suggestion immediately.


"I said no!"

I don't bother fighting him on it. Arguing with Torin is one thing but fighting him in front of his men is disrespectful. I don't doubt his abilities, but I do find myself questioning his actions. Him not wanting me to come has nothing to do with my incompetence and everything to do with keeping me safe. I know it is. Because while Torin has a hard exterior, his eyes betray him. Right now, they scream concern.

"This is quite possibly a planned attack on the compound. I want men on the perimeter and a dozen guarding the house."

Torin continues throwing out demands as though destined to do so.

"Things have been quiet lately. Too quiet."

A few men voice their agreement.

"My father taught me to wait. He said patience always brought with it rewards. I say fuck that!"


"Shane Murphy cannot come into our home and take what belongs to us!"

"Fuck Shane Murphy!"

Eva and I lock eyes, deliberately saying nothing.

"Fuck all the Murphy's!"

That final comment comes from Bite, his sinister smile goading me.

"Today, we defend. Tomorrow, we attack!"

Everyone cheers, riled up with just the right amount of excitement Torin needs. He and Reaper, alongside two others head towards the front door, quietly deliberating their strategy.

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