When Eleanor woke up, Maggie made her some cereal, and Glenn wasn't at the house because he was on watch at the south wall.

"Maggie?" Eleanor speaks up while they walk along the sidewalk, hand-in-hand.

"Yea, sweetie." Maggie responds, looking down at the young girl.

"Did you know I have a sister?" Eleanor ask and Maggie shakes her head in response. "Oh, well her name is Khloe, and she's older than me, and she's with my dad." Eleanor pauses. "I think."

"You know, I used to have a little sister. Her name was Beth." Maggie says with a sad smile.

"Really?! Beth is a great name!" Eleanor states as she bounces up and down on her toes. Maggie just smiles at Eleanor before they continue their walk.

"Ella?" Maggie questions, almost sounding cautious "What were your parents names?"

The question takes Eleanor off guard, not because she was upset, but because she didn't know her dad's name, she forgot. She knew that Roy remembered though, so she made a mental note to herself to ask him when he got back from his run.

"Uh- my Mom's name was Ashlyn, and I don't- I don't remember my Dad's name. I only remember what he looks like." Eleanor says with a slight frown.

"That's ok." Maggie responds with a small smile.

☆• ☆• ☆• ☆

Eleanor was eating lunch with Maggie and Glenn when they heard a knock on the door, Glenn got up, answering the door before two people walk into the kitchen. One of them being Glenn, and the other being Roy.

"Roy!" Eleanor squeals with excitement before getting up and running into Roy's arms.

"Hey, El." Roy says with a smile, while patting her back.

"Did the run go okay?" Maggie asks while standing up from her chair.

"Yep, we found tons of medicine, and quite the bit of food." Roy pauses. "Also, a few silencers." He says with a smile.

"Really? That's good." Maggie says before picking up the two empty bowls on the table, and putting them in the sink.

"Alright, well why don't you go grab your bags, and we'll head home." Roy says, looking down at Eleanor.

Eleanor nods before running down the hallway and into the room she had slept in, grabbing her pink backpack off of the chair in the corner of the room. When she turns around to leave the room, she sees Maggie standing in the doorway with a pair of clothes.

"You left these in the bathroom." Maggie says while walking over to the young girl, handing her the pair of clothes.

"Oh, thanks Maggie!" Eleanor says with a smile, shoving the clothes in her bag. "Hey, Maggie?"

"Yea, sweetie." Maggie replies, while looking down at the young girl.

"Can I have a sleepover here again, sometime?" Eleanor asks with a small smile.

"Sure, how about next time, when Daryl and Roy go an another run?" Maggie responds.

"Okay!" Eleanor says with excitement.

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