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It had been two weeks since Eleanor and Roy had arrived at Alexandria, and Roy was on a run with Daryl, Rick, and Michonne. So, Glenn and Maggie were watching, Eleanor and Judith.

Eleanor loved Judith. Even though Judith was four years younger than her, they were already best friends. Judith was also taking a nap, so it was just Eleanor, Maggie, and Glenn.

"So, were you guys together before the walkers happened?" Eleanor asked. She had been asking so many questions, but Neither Maggie nor Glenn seemed to mind, so she just kept asking.

"Nope, I found her when we went to her farm." Glenn says with a soft smile.

"You used to live on a farm!" Eleanor asks with pure excitement. "That's so cool! I wish I lived on a farm, but this place is cool too." Eleanor says with a smile. "At my Mom's house we used to have baby chickens!"

"Really, did you give them names?" Maggie asks with a smile.

"Yep! Mom let me name all of 'em. Branch, tulip, and pinky!" Eleanor states with excitement.
"Did you have baby animals on your farm?"

"Yep, we had a lot. Baby chicks too." Maggie says.

"Oh, Maggie? So you know how you have a baby in your tummy." Eleanor pauses. "How did it get there? Like did you wake up and it was just there or did someone put the baby inside you?"

Maggie and Glenn's faces both immediately turn red. But Eleanor doesn't notice, she's too busy looking at Maggie's stomach.

"I-uh. How about we stop talking about babies." Glenn says with a small embarrassed smile.

"But, why? Babies are cute!" Eleanor says with confusion.

"How about we play hide-and-seek?" Maggie ask and Eleanor nods her head rapidly. "Alright. How about you hide, ok?" Eleanor just nods her head again.

Eleanor gets up and walks down the hallway, looking for a room to hide in. She comes across a room she hadn't been in yet, so she decides she would hide in that one. When she opens the door she recognizes it as a laundry room, so she walks in and closes the door behind her slowly, so she doesn't make any noises, she then goes and sits behind a tall laundry basket.

"Ready!" Eleanor yells, so Maggie and Glenn know to come and find her.

As Eleanor sits there, waiting to be found, she notices a small brown circle on the wall, with legs and it's moving, it was a spider. Eleanor hated spiders.

Eleanor screamed so loud that's she was pretty sure the neighbors heard her. She got up so fast and ran down the hallway, then she crashed into Glenn, and Maggie was right behind him with a panicked look on her face.

"Hey hey, what's wrong? What is it, are you hurt?" Glenn asks as he picks up the young girl.

Eleanor had tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "There's a spider in there!" she states loudly as she points at the laundry room.

"Oh my god, Ella. We thought you were hurt!" Maggie says with a sigh.

"Can you kill it!?" Eleanor questions.

Glenn puts Eleanor down before walking into the kitchen and coming back with a paper towel. He then walks into the laundry room and comes back out with a scrunched up paper towel.

"Did ya' get it!" Eleanor ask while raising her eyebrows and Glenn nods. She hated that she was scared of spiders because she knew the couldn't hurt her that bad, it's just the way they look, that's what scares her.

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Eleanor had ended up having to spend the night at Maggie and Glenn's  because neither Roy nor Daryl were back yet, along with Rick and Michonne. Carl had pick up Judith though, and Eleanor missed her company, but she also didn't mind much that Judith was gone because she was tired.

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