Alec's eyes were too blurry on hearing everything Magnus said to him.. But magnus stayed like a rock.. Like he doesn't have any tears left in his eyes anymore.. That's how emotional damage looks like.. 

"When I went inside to see Charlotte she was a crying mess and she was angry about herself… She screamed and tried to hurt herself when she got to know that Emily was dead…and she was the reason…she repeatedly said-I shouldn't come here in the first place.. I killed my sister - she went on and on.. I don't want that young lady to get any emotional traumas.. I know how it feels to carry a guilt for all your life (he said faking his smile, those smiles disturbing Alec a lot ) . She was scared that if her mother got to know this she would never want to see her ever in her life, she would never come back to her or talk to her ... She cried hard, she was afraid to lose her mother's love.. So I tried to comfort her and ask her to play dumb and I said I will take care of the rest … when we were talking, Emily's mom stormed inside the room with so much anger, (he frowned on saying that it looks like he still remembers that scene !) it's normal to behave rude when you lose your kid.. She didn't think twice, she grabbed me by my collar (he imitated the action visually to Alec while looking at the floor, he held his own collar and crashed it ) and slapped me hard… she tore my shirt and she cursed me really bad , she… She yelled at me so much.. But one thing she said that night  - I still remember her words.. "you killed my daughter and came here to act like a gentleman , you son of b****" That's where I realized Emily's mother thought- I caused that accident because that car was mine.. And I was there too… So she came to a conclusion by herself and started to hit me infront of Charlotte.. Charlotte was about to stop her by  telling the truth but I stopped her by holding her wrist, I thought it's better this way..that's the only help I can do to Emily.. Hot to collapse her family "he chuckled again.. 

He slowly looked at Alec who was standing there holding his tears which were begging to drop down from his eyelids..

" you know what her mother did when I touched Charlotte's wrist to stop her from telling the truth.. She misread my touch and She kicked me out,she said -take your hands off my younger daughter. Stay away from her, aren't your blood lust satisfied by taking Emily's life ? '.... This is what she said so I didn't say anything. I just walked out of the hospital.. As I promised Charlotte I paid a lot to close that  accident case. "he sighed and looked at Alec with unreadable emotions in his face.. Which is all new for alec.. 

Alec was just looking at Magnus like he saw him for the first time. 

Magnus : hmm… can I have my drink now?? (he asked pointing at his whiskey for which Alec nodded once and blinked out his tears which magnus failed to notice) 

Alec : You should have said that you have nothing to do with Emily's death. (he said and his voice barely came out of his throat) 

Magnus :Alexander!!! (he muttered, Alec melted right away in his husky voice , magnus  shook his head with a gentle smile on  looking at alec ) that lady was broken already, can't you see that and she underwent a surgery recently . Emily gives up on her happiness and desires just to save her mother's life …you want me to ruin that by telling the truth.. if I go and say that your younger daughter is the reason for Emily's death… You think she is strong enough to take that truth.. Charlotte is everything that lady left with, you want me to break her again with the truth.. You want that lady to rot alone in her old age.. That's a curse alec.. No one deserves that.. No one deserves to be alone.. Unless they are cursed   (he was talking about himself which Alec could understand and he won't agree with it) …so Let her Live with her younger one .. (he said with the same smile ). 

Alec closed his eyes and shook his head.. 

Alec : But she was.. She was cursing you!! Can't you see that?? Didn't it hurts?? (he asked, his voice cracked) 

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