Chapter 5

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💜💜 Chapter 05💜💜

"Bring me a coffee!!!" he imitated in the same tone which Magnus said on the intercom…While walking zigzag on the staircase .. It's around 7 in the evening 

Usually Anouk was the one (maid) who attended the calls on the kitchen intercom.. But today she went to amira's room to give her a leg massage so Alec took the call. Before he could say hello,Magnus just said those words and hung the call… Alec checked for servants but none was there.. He also saw Magnus just came back from his work all tired and Zoe, Raphael went to their room a minute ago… so he had no other option. He took a tray of black coffee, with cream, milk and sugar in separate cups… 

"stupid idiot… ""Bring me a coffee"(he imitated again) means where?? To his study room or bedroom or the room where he used to play billets and watch movies??? Like where and then coffee?? (he left a disappointed sound) What kinda coffee?? black?? With cream, sugar, or milk… God this human is eating my Brian every single second he exists in this house.. " alec mumbled while walking on the corridor with an annoyed face… 

He went close to Magnus's room door…and saw it was closed. He took a deep breath and touched the Knob and tried to twist it right but stopped himself before doing it…

"  no.. Alec no… Giving a massage to amira is a thousand times better than giving him a coffee… it's always gonna be a war (he thought to himself ) yes I should go to amira and ask Mrs. Anouk to bring him a coffee" he talked to himself and about to walk away, but because of his nervousness and the unevenly folded carpet on the floor,he unfortunately slipped On his own feet and fall on the door which swings open… in a second he was there in the middle of Magnus's room balancing the tray and his whole body from falling down on the floor, the room is darker than his soul and only night lamp on the night stand is on.. Which projects the image of a person standing in front of the night lamp showing his back to alec.. 

He had no clothes, only two towels on his body, one wrapped on his shoulder around his neck, the end of the towel was dropping on the front covering little details on his chest .. And the other one is sinfully wrapped around his waist which is knotted and the towel hangs pretty below the back dimple which is located just above his defined ass. His tan skin shines like molten gold in that night lamp lightning.. 

Alec stood there like a statue and on hearing the irregular breathing and inhaling sound of alec magnus turned around to face him..  Nothing but to make him more nervous by Showing the rest of his body, his smooth chest made Alec swallow hard and his defined abs made his mouth go dry.. It's kinda a mixed feeling .. He could barely pull out  a word from his throat .. Magnus breathed out in annoyance on looking at Alec's ghosted face.. 

"you!!! again.!!" he shook his head with a disappointed sound which is not reaching Alec's ears right now… he was totally lost.. 

"There is a certain manner called knocking the door, Before you break in like that??" Magnus pointed at the door which was still swinging in the air.. 

"no.. I.. Umm.. The lock. I…" Alec blabbed and started to sweat because his gaze wandered all over Magnus's exposed tan skin… It's not Alec's fault, his omega wasn't listening to him for the first time in his life… it's a fight between him and his inner omega.. Magnus could see the drops of sweat covering Alec's pale neck.. 

"ufffffff" magnus sighed louder… magnus took a step forward and his towel moved smoothly on his chest leaving the hidden details slightly visible.. Alec's breath hitch back to his lungs.. He inhaled sharply to ease  himself from that discomfort.. 

"you gonna answer or what??" Magnus questioned again..

"stop there!!" Alec  took a step back and licked his lips and closed his eyes tight to pull himself together.. Magnus chuckled and averted his eyes while breathing out heavily.. He didn't know what to do with him but he failed to realize the way he was standing in front of Alec was the only thing that dustrubing him.. 

💞💞ETERNAL FLAME OF LOVE 💕💕Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat