Will & Hayley look out for Jackie

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Will was working another closing shift at the Lark Cafe. He was standing behind the counter working on someones order when Jackie walked in. He observed the teen as she stomped over to an empty table as he finished pouring the black coffee into a mug. It was clear from the frown on the girls face, and the way her shoulders were hunched over, that Jackie wasn't having a good day. Will quickly took the coffee and plate of pastries over to the customers table that was waiting on the order, but instead of going back behind the counter he walked over to the table that Jackie was pouting at and lightly tapped his knuckles against the wood to get her attention. Jackie turned to face him, just noticing his presence from the look of surprise on her face. "Oh! Hi Will." Jackie said, smiling to the man. 

Will tilted his head thoughtfully as he greeted her back. Jackie had been living with his family long enough for him to know her genuine smile. She showed her teeth when she was truly smiling, but the smile that she was currently giving him was small. No teeth in sight, and Will was reminded of that same smile on the first day He had met Jackie when she moved in. She smiled the same fake smile as she was shown around the house by Will. (before the dog sprayed her with the pool water) He didn't like that smile on Jackie, because when she smiled like that he had learned she was putting on a front of, 'everything is okay' when she clearly wasn't. "What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy your here, but aren't you supposed to be at the house for dinner soon?" Will asked. Jackie sighed, her perfect posture breaking as she slumped back into her seat. "I told Katherine that I was eating out with friends tonight...I didn't want to lie to her but, but-" Jackie struggled to get the words in her mind together as Will took the other free seat at the table she was sitting at. "Take your time...you're okay right?" Will asked, resting his hand on the girls shoulder. Jackie took a deep breath as she nodded, Wills firm hand on her shoulder helping her to stay calm. "I'm okay. It's just - a lot." She said, her voice tampering off as she looked guilty. Suddenly the girls eyes filled with tears as she turned her face down, "Hey, look at me. Please Jackie." Will said, keeping his voice low as to not attract too much attention from people sitting around them. Jackie looked up, her eyes shining with tears, but not enough for any to spill over. "You don't have to explain yourself right now. Let me get you something to eat for dinner, and when you are ready we can talk...if you want. I can call Hayley if you want to talk to a girl, or even Tara if it is something that she can help with and, and - I'm rambling now." Will said, sitting back as Jackie chuckled. She smiled, it wasn't as big as he real smile, but it was looking more real than before. Will excused himself and went back behind the counter to continue working for the night. He took a grilled cheese and Matcha latte back to Jackie, and after that the next couple of hours consisted of Will working through the night. Keeping an eye on Jackie as she sat at the table, working on what appeared to be homework. By the time that the coffeeshop started it's closing procedures Will found himself back at Jackie's table. (thanks in part to his co-workers telling him to check on her while they closed)  

"The Walters house is so amazing, but so full of people." Jackie said, looking out the window of the coffee shop. She was watching the rain fall against the window and had her legs tucked up to her chest. "When I lived in New York it was just me and my parents. My sister was in college so even she wasn't around a lot the - the last couple of years." Will couldn't help the sad sigh that slipped through his lips as he saw the tears gather in Jackie's eyes again. "Living in my apartment in New York, and living in the Walters house are both just as loud as the other ironically...but when I was in New York I could be alone when I needed to be. I didn't need to find a hiding spot just so I could have peace and quiet while working on my homework." Jackie said, gesturing to the papers and folders scattered along the table. "I don't ever want to seem ungrateful to George or Kathrine. They have done so much for me, and my family, in fighting to respect my parents wishes of me living with the Walters." Jackie's forehead fell onto her knees and she wrapped her arms around her legs, tucking herself into a small ball. Will scooted his chair over to be side by side with Jackie and put his arm over her hunched shoulders. "You don't have to worry about that Jackie. This has been been a big adjustment for everyone, but it's been the biggest for you...my parents would never get mad at you, or any of their children, for expressing their needs." Jackie lifted her head up enough to face Will and her teary eyes and soft sniffle broke his heart. "It sounds like you just need some space from time to time, without my insane siblings jumping all over you." Will said, causing Jackie to giggle and hide her tear streaked face in her knees again. "Do you really think your parents wouldn't be upset with me? I don't wanna hurt their feelings." She asked, her voice muffled by her legs. "I know they wouldn't be...but tonight has been long. And it's a friday so...wait here while I finish closing up okay?" Jackie agreed and the man got up and walked to the back, pulling out his phone and dialing Hayley's number. "Hey babe, I wanted to run an idea I just had by you." He said with a grin, looking back over his shoulder to Jackie as the girl was packing up her school supplies. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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