Chapter 1: First Day, New Hell

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Blake doesn't get his coat till later, so he is wearing a short sleeved turtle neck, like the idiot he is.


-The story begins in a city called ,Ottawa where a young man is walking down the streets while listening to Starsets Unbecoming, with his hands in his pockets, his hair was dark brown with a streak of white on the left side of his hair.-

POV: "Hi, my name is Blake Lin. Ottawa's outcast with nothing special going on. I grew up here as an Orphan my entire life, now you all may be wondering why I am dubbed "The Outcast." Well... that's mainly because of how I look, I'm fair skinned like everyone else, I got Brown hair, but I'm mainly different because of my 2 sharp teeth, and a white streak on my hair. When I go outside I just listen to music from Starset on Spotify, I like their music very much. Right now I'm walking to work, the only coffee shop that pays fair."

-As he continues walking, 3 other guys bump into him on purpose he turns around and sees that these are the guys who think they are tough-

Chad: "Hey look, its the freak." As he and his friends were laughing, the young man decides to walk away, leaving Chad pissed. Chad puts his hand on the young mans shoulder and turns him around, getting his attention again "I'm talking to you fuck face."

Hughie: " You better listen to him Blake, he don't like it when people ignore him."

Blake: looks at Hughie, and then back at Chad who still had his hand gripping his sleeve "-Sighs- What do you want Chad?"

Chad: "What, am I not allowed to talk to the biggest freak in Ottawa?" as soon as he started laughing, Blake pushes him back, getting a shocked expression from Chad and his cronies "What, think your tough shit eh, I oughta-" before he was about to throw a punch at Blake an officer was in the area and interfered

Officer: "You gonna keep walkin' or are we gonna have a trip to the station?" 

Chad: "Back off pops, this doesn't-"

Officer: "Just because your the colleges top football player, that don't mean you get around scoot free. Now, either leave somewhere else, or we can go to the station."

Chad began looking at Blake and as he let go, he lightly shoved him after he and his friends left

Blake: "Thanks."

Officer: "Any day kid, if they give you trouble just give me a call, I'm always available."

As the officer walks away, Blake starts to walk to work at the "Best Coffee" shop, where he puts on his work uniform, he attends to the Cashier and puts on his hat while putting on a smile and greets the customers

POV: "Ever since I became an adult, this was the only thing I could do to go to college and leave the Orphanage. Well, what was left of it... Years ago there was an accident that caused the orphanage to burn, I was the only one to get out... along with Ms. Mayberry, the teacher who was like a mother to me, she did not care what others thought."

Time skip to 5:30PM Blake had finished work and was now walking home, as he was walking he put on some music from his phone. As he was walking down the road, a truck was about to hit him, Blake saw the Truck coming his way and as he closed his eyes and put his arms infront of his face... it froze. Blake soon looked at the truck to realize that it wasn't moving anymore, he then looked at his surroundings and noticed EVERYTHING had stopped moving, the cars, people, even the birds had stopped.

POV: "But today, my life had changed forever. Everything around me froze, and some weird words with weird melody played, and before I knew it, a face showed on my phone."

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