9 0 0

Hunter: *me and Astrid and hiccup we're flying to the ice and we flew around to see a ship in the ice* what is this place *hiccup was flying in front of us*

Hiccup: *looks behind him at the two* stay close *we continue flying around the ice*

Astrid : Hunter

Hunter: *I look back at her then I hear someone yell*

???: fire

Hunter: *a net was shot at me I quickly moved storm and stormfall got hit and Astrid fell off as stormfly hit the water and I quickly caught Astrid and flew towards the ship and landed with Hiccup as he pulled out his fire sword and I pulled out my blue fire sword and Astrid grabbed a strip stick*

Hiccup: stop

???: back again soil my britches those are night furies thought they were all going for good it looks like our looks has been turned to better lads don't think dragon has those in his dragon army

Astrid: dragon army

Hunter: look we don't want any trouble

???: ha you should have thought of that before you stole all of our dragons and blasted our fort to bits

Astrid: what are you talking about

Hunter: you think we did this

???: dragon trapping is hard enough work as it is without do-gooder dragon riders sneaking into rescue them

Hiccup: what do-gooder *puts out his fire sword* there are other dragon riders

???: you mean other than your thieving friends from last night you tell me you may have an ice-spitting on your side but we still have a quote to fill how do you suppose we explain this mess to Drago bludvist

Hunter: Drago what-fish does anything you say makes sense

Men: he's expecting a new shipment of dragons for his army by tomorrow

Men 2: and Drago don't take well to excuse

???: *pulls down his shirt on his chest to reveal a burn* this is what he gave me when I showed up empty-handed he promised to be far less understanding in the future

Hiccup: all right look we don't know anything about a dragon thief or a nice ice-dragon or your lunatic boss and his dragon army okay just give us back our dragon and we'll go strange hostile person who we never met

Eric: where are my manners *chuckles* I'm Eric son of Eric finest dragon trapper alive after all it's not just anyone who can capture night furies

*Toothless and storm start growing and roar*

Hunter: this is storm and toothless they say we're going now

Eric: ha they all say that rush 'em lads *he shouts and his men fire at them*

*But before they could toothless shot at them as Hunter runs over to stormfly cuts her loose and they all get on their dragon and fly away as Hunter look back*

Eric: you will never hold on to those dragons you hear me Drago is coming from them all

Hunter: *I look back in front of me as we fly to Burk and land*

Stoic: ha there he is the pride of Berk

Hunter: *me and Hiccup run into the iron making to Dad*

Gobber: look who finally decided to show up for work yay

Hiccup: sorry we got held up hey Dad can we have a word

Stoic: something you're itching to tell me

Hunter: not quite the itch your thinking of but yes

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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